This is an Android application that can Dump Files from Android Process Memory based on NoxDumper and PADumper for Rooted Devices.
for devices with android 12 or higher it may work and some may not work due to permission issue.
- Run the games.
- Download the release version in here PMT-Dumper.apk and then install it.
- Grant Root Permission and Storage Permission for PMT Dumper.
- Enter process name manually or you can click button
Select Apps
to select running apps. - Enter the ELF Name or you can leave it with default name
- [Optional] Check
Show All Running Process
if you want to Show All Running Process. - [Optional] Check
Dump Maps file
if you want dump the maps of process memory. - [Optional] Check
ELF Fixer
if you want fix the ELF files. - [Optional] Check
ELF FIXER 32 Bit or 64 Bit
if you want use 64 Bit of ELF Fixer and Uncheck if you want use 32 Bit of ELF Fixer. - [Optional] Check
Dump global-metadata.dat
if you want dump unity metadata from memory. - Dump and wait until finish.
Custom Output Directory: /CustomPath/PlatinmodsDumper/[ProcessName]/[startAddress-endAddress-file]