Plugin for babel 6.x to enable JSX for Inferno
This plugin transforms JSX code in your projects to Inferno compatible virtual DOM.
npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-inferno
Add the plugin to your package.json
and update the plugin section in your .babelrc
file. Or if your Babel settings are located inside the package.json
- update the plugin section there.
It's important that you also include the babel-plugin-syntax-jsx
Example on a .babelrc
file that will work with Inferno:
"presets": [ "es2015" ],
"plugins": ["inferno"]
// Render a simple div
Inferno.render(<div></div>, container);
// Render a div with text
Inferno.render(<div>Hello world</div>, container);
// Render a div with a boolean attribute
Inferno.render(<div autoFocus='true' />, container);
By default babel-plugin-inferno ships imports false. This is same behavior with ReactJS. You need to have Inferno declared in every JSX file. Even if not used by the code. Compiled code will have reference to global Inferno object.
If the environment supports modules (Webpack / Rollup) you can enable "imports" option which will import createVNode from Inferno. This allows tree-shaking to happen and Inferno does not need to be imported if not needed by the user land code.
Setting imports to true
will result in imports from 'inferno'
module, or you may provide a string value to specify a different module form which to import. This setting can be applied the following way inside babelrc file
- string, replace the function used when compiling JSX expressions, defaults to createVNode. With defined pragma - global Inferno object will be disabled.
"presets": [ "es2015" ],
"plugins": [["inferno", {
"imports": true,
"pragma": ""