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Containers that can be inverted. For example:

λ> import qualified Data.Set.Invertible as ISet
λ> ISet.fromList [1,2,3] <> invert (ISet.fromList [1,2])
fromList [3]


Much like the ubiquitous Monoid, Groups happen to be pretty nifty. Monoids give us nice semantics for append-only state-changes, but what if we want to do something destructive? Groups let us invert things, which turns out to be quite useful for some containers. Consider the following scenario:

import           Data.Map                                 ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map                      as Map
import           Data.Set                                 ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set                      as Set

-- Players "draw straws" from a set. Player with the biggest one wins.
data DrawStraws = DrawStraws
  { remainingStraws :: Set Int
  , players         :: Map Int Player
  } deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup DrawStraws where
  ds1 <> ds2 = DrawStraws
    { remainingStraws = remainingStraws ds1 <> remainingStraws ds2
    , players = Map.unionWith (<>) (players ds1) (players ds2)

instance Monoid DrawStraws where
  mempty = DrawStraws mempty mempty

newtype Player = Player
  { straws :: Set Int
  } deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup Player where
  p1 <> p2 = Player { straws = straws p1 <> straws p2 }

instance Monoid Player where
  mempty = Player mempty

-- 'chosenStraw' would probably be chosen randomly in Real Life
takeStraw :: Int -> Int -> DrawStraws -> DrawStraws
takeStraw playerId chosenStraw drawStraws = newDrawStraws <> updateDrawStraws
  playerMod        = mempty { straws = Set.singleton chosenStraw }
  updateDrawStraws = mempty { players = Map.singleton playerId playerMod }

  -- Note the destructive update on 'drawStraws'
  newDrawStraws    = drawStraws
    { remainingStraws = Set.delete chosenStraw (remainingStraws drawStraws)
λ> let drawStraws = DrawStraws (Set.fromList [1,2,3,4,5]) (Map.fromList [(1, mempty), (2, mempty)])
λ> takeStraw 1 3 drawStraws
  { remainingStraws = fromList [1,2,4,5]
  , players = fromList
      [ (1,Player {straws = fromList [3]})
      , (2,Player {straws = fromList []})

We're pretty close to a beautiful solution here, in that we can represent Player updates as diffs using its Semigroup instance. However, that benefit gets pretty much destroyed by having to destructively modify remainingStraws.

This is a contrived example, but it makes for a difficult situation in practice: some definitions of state changes can use mempty to build up a minimal diff, while others have to manually modify the existing state. In an ideal world, we wouldn't have to make that choice: every state change could be represented by a minimal state diff. That's where invertible-containers comes in.

import Data.Set.Invertible as ISet

data DrawStraws = DrawStraws
  { remainingStraws :: ISet.InvertibleSet Int -- Use an Invertible Set
  , players :: Map Int Player

instance Semigroup DrawStraws -- ...
instance Monoid DrawStraws -- ...

newtype Player = Player
  { straws :: Set Int

instance Semigroup Player -- ...
instance Monoid Player -- ...

-- Now we can just mappend our state change!
takeStraw :: Int -> Int -> DrawStraws -> DrawStraws
takeStraw playerId chosenStraw = mappend updateDrawStraws
  playerMod = mempty { straws = Set.singleton chosenStraw }
  updateDrawStraws =  mempty
    { players = Map.singleton playerId playerMod
    -- 'negativeSingleton' inserts a "removed" element into a set
    , remainingStraws = ISet.negativeSingleton chosenStraw
λ> import Data.Set.Invertible as ISet
λ> let drawStraws = DrawStraws (ISet.fromList [1,2,3,4,5]) (Map.fromList [(1, mempty), (2, mempty)])
λ> takeStraw 1 3 drawStraws
  { remainingStraws = fromList [1,2,4,5]
  , players = fromList
      [ (1,Player {straws = fromList [3]})
      , (2,Player {straws = fromList []})

Now we can just mappend the state update, and get what we want. That is the purpose of this library. Assuming players could disappear, one might consider making the players Map invertible as well! Similarly if straws could magically disappear from players' hands. One might also consider using invertible containers to help instantiate Group for larger state entities, which gets you state diffing for free.


Containers representable as groups







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