Render particle effect in UnityUI(uGUI). Maskable, sortable, and no extra Camera/RenderTexture/Canvas.
These scripts will make your UGUI ScrollRect reusing cells, to improve performance, loading time and draw calls.
Enhance Unity UI (uGUI) with advanced soft-masking features to create more visually appealing effects!
请移步新版地址 支持安卓ARM64【已停止更新】
Unity UGUI editor tools,improve the efficiency of ui development.
a simple UI framework based on UGUI
Excel表格数据导出为Lua table、csv、json形式的工具,兼带数据检查功能以及导出、导入MySQL数据库功能
parse psd file and auto generate ui prefab(解析psd文件,一键生成ugui面板)
这是Unity Android APP il2cpp热更完美解决方案的Demo。更新build_demo_apk里的Unity路径,执行即可一键重build Patch和apk。因为文件libunity是没有热更的,如unity版本有变化则热更不适用。
Unity GameFramework + HybridCLR,简洁、高效、规范的开发工作流。从业十年的工作流积累,直击开发痛点,大量自动化编辑器扩展工具, 高效的自动化开发工作流
AssetPostProcessor for making high-quality 16-bit color textures in Unity.
Cool 3d scoll view for Unity(NGUI 3D UGUI support)
Based on UGUI to support emoji system on Text component.
Vertex color UI Effect for Unity UI (uGUI).
This client-project is written for kbengine(a MMOG engine of server)
This is a KCP+UDPSocket Wrapper.You can use KCP like UdpSocket for Unity!
Convert psd file to ugui prefab, text, image, raw image, button, slider, scroll view, dropdown, toggle, textmeshpro...