Translate the video from one language to another and add dubbing. 将视频从一种语言翻译为另一种语言,同时支持语音识别转录、语音合成、字幕翻译。
Unity GameFramework + HybridCLR,简洁、高效、规范的开发工作流。从业十年的工作流积累,直击开发痛点,大量自动化编辑器扩展工具, 高效的自动化开发工作流
Convert psd file to ugui prefab, text, image, raw image, button, slider, scroll view, dropdown, toggle, textmeshpro...
parse psd file and auto generate ui prefab(解析psd文件,一键生成ugui面板)
TRPG-Logline (中文名:影人演绎/故事现) 是一款革命性的跑团视频制作插件,基于Unity和Spine来制作骨骼动画并进行演出,插件本身进行了大量自动化处理,无需编程,制作者只需要关注效果本身。
Unity High-level Networking Library for Mobile and Small-party Games with Epic Online Services.
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
Easily train a good VC model with voice data <= 10 mins!
🚀 Power Your World with AI - Explore, Extend, Empower.
🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
基于 wechaty 的微信机器人,接入 MidJourney + ChatGPT
可商业化的 AI Web 平台,提供一站式人工智能服务解决方案。支持私有化部署,内置多用户管理,适合企业、团队或个人快速构建 AI 服务。
Cp0204 / FrpClient-Win
Forked from codemonkey-m/FrpClient-Winfrp Windows GUI 客户端
Digital Avatar Conversational System - Linly-Talker. 😄✨ Linly-Talker is an intelligent AI system that combines large language models (LLMs) with visual models to create a novel human-AI interaction…
One UI is all done with chatgpt web, midjourney, gpts,suno,luma,runway,viggle,flux,ideogram,realtime,pika,udio; Simultaneous support Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS platform
SS & SSR & V2ray & Clash & Surge 等免费节点及订阅地址分享和推荐,各种实用网站和软件分享。 此页面仅作学习交流用,请用于查找资料,不要做任何违法行为。所有资源均来自互联网,非盈利目的,仅供大家交流学习使用,出现一切问题概不负责。
Minimal web UI for GeminiPro.