This is a language server for the Checker Framework, which makes the Checker Framework usable by all editors/IDEs that support the Language Server Protocol. It is implemented with LSP4J
./gradlew assemble
will generate build/libs/checker-framework-languageserver-all.jar
The language server can be launched in the command line interface, although it's not intended to be launched manually. Normally, you would want to install a dedicated plugin that supports LSP for your editor, and then connect this language server to that plugin via standard input/output. Input and output are both in the LSP format.
Note that this project only supports running with Java 8.
java \
-cp /path/to/checker-framework-languageserver-all.jar:/path/to/checker-framework/checker/dist/checker.jar \
org.checkerframework.languageserver.ServerMain \
--frameworkPath /path/to/checker-framework \
--checkers org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker \
--checkers some.other.checker \
--commandLineOptions command_line_opt_1 \
--commandLineOptions command_line_opt_2
Please see eisopux/checker-framework-vscode.
This language server can be used directly with the help of gtache/intellij-lsp. Provide a raw command to it to launch this language server and it's done. Please also refer to eisopux/checker-framework-idea.
Please see eisopux/checker-framework-eclipse.
As LSP4J lacks documentation, it's suggested that the developer of this project uses an IDE supporting auto-completion so the methods/interfaces/classes of LSP4J can be easily inspected to figure out what is actually given/expected.
To format the source code, run $ ./gradlew spotlessApply
This project has a dependency on the Checker Framework, but it's only
on org.checkerframework.framework.util.CheckerMain
, which is used by
to generate the arguments for launching the Checker Framework
properly. Therefore it's not necessary to update this dependency very often; it
only needs to be updated if in a future version the interface of CheckerMain
The eisopux/checker-framework-languageserver-downloader project allows plugins to automatically download a Checker Framework release.