[CVPR'24 Highlight & Best Demo Award] Gaussian Splatting SLAM
[ECCV 2024] SGS-SLAM: Semantic Gaussian Splatting For Neural Dense SLAM
Panoptic-SLAM: Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environments using Panoptic Segmentation
PLVS is a real-time SLAM system with points, lines, volumetric mapping and 3D unsupervised incremental segmentation.
This is a unofficial fork of OpenVSLAM (
[IROS 2024] MM3DGS SLAM: Multi-modal 3D Gaussian Splatting for SLAM Using Vision, Depth, and Inertial Measurements
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
An open-sourced SLAM dataset that couples with BIM (Building Information Modeling).
LetsGo: Large-Scale Garage Modeling and Rendering via LiDAR-Assisted Gaussian(Published in SIGGRAPH Asia 2024)
MVGS: Multi-View Regulated Gaussian Splatting for Novel View Synthesis
Gaussian-SLAM: Photo-realistic Dense SLAM with Gaussian Splatting
Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator on Mobile Phones
[ECCV 2024] DoubleTake: Geometry Guided Depth Estimation
⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端 | 支持 VMess / VLESS / SSR / Trojan / Trojan-Go / NaiveProxy / HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS5 | 使用 C++ / Qt 开发 | 可拓展插件式设计 ⭐
A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
[ICRA'23] The official Implementation of "Structure PLP-SLAM: Efficient Sparse Mapping and Localization using Point, Line and Plane for Monocular, RGB-D and Stereo Cameras"
[3DV 2025] LoopSplat: Loop Closure by Registering 3D Gaussian Splats
A RGB-D SLAM system for structural scenes, which makes use of point-line-plane features and the Manhattan World assumption.
This code contains an algorithm to compute stereo visual SLAM by using both point and line segment features.