This repositry contains dataset and code for the ACL2023 paper: Annotating and Detecting Fine-grained Factual Errors for Dialogue Summarization
We provide fine-grained annotations regarding factual errors in dialogue summarization. The data are sampled from SAMSum and QMSum. Our dataset contains 1340 sentence-level annotations (dialogue-sentence pairs).
All annotations are in annotations.json
. Each record is corresponding to a dialogue in the following format.
'<dialog-id>': {
'utterances': [
'query': '<query>' # empty for records in SAMSum
'target_summary': '<original reference summary>',
'dataset_name': '<dataset name>' # 'QMSum' or 'SAMSum'
'group_idx': integer in [1,2,3,4,5,6],
'annotations': {
'<summarization_model_name>': {
'model_prediction': model-generated summary, usually containing multiple sentences
'sentence_annotations': [
'index': integer starting from 0,
'sentence': one sentence from the model-generated summary,
'annotation': [
'error_class': str, the semantic class of the factual error,
'error_span': str, the span that contains a factual error,
'intrinsic/extrinsic': "intrinsic" / "extrinsic" / "n/a",
'comment': explains why there is an error, or a potential correction to the error
... # other sentences
... # other summarization models
coming soon