This script is used to generate a list of the project structure in a markdown format. It is useful for files.
You can simply:
pip install directory-structure-generator
Or you can clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:7oSkaaa/directory_structure_generator.git cd directory_structure_generator python -m directory_structure_generator --path <path> --language <language> --sort <sort>
We have two ways to use the script:
First way:
- Install the package using pip
- Run the script with the required arguments
python from directory_structure_generator import directory_structure_generator directory_structure_generator(path=<path>, exclude_dirs=[<dir_1>, <dir_2>, <dir_3>], language=<language>, sort=<sort>)
Second way:
- Clone the repository
- Change the directory to the repository
- Run the script with the required arguments
python -m directory_structure_generator --path <path> --exclude_dirs <dir_1> <dir_2> <dir_3> --language <language> --sort <sort>
: Path to the project folder--exclude_dirs
: List of directories to exclude from the project structure. Default is[]
: Language of the project. Default isplaintext
: Sort the folders and files. Default isFalse
📁 frontend-training-mp-feb24
├───📄 App.js
├───📄 AppStyles.js
├───📄 app.json
├───📁 assets
│ ├───📄 Error_image.png
│ ├───📄 adaptive-icon.png
│ ├───📄 favicon.png
│ ├───📄 icon.png
│ └───📄 splash.png
├───📄 babel.config.js
├───📄 metrics.js
├───📄 package-lock.json
├───📄 package.json
├───📁 src
│ ├───📁 components
│ │ ├───📁 Card
│ │ │ ├───📄 Card.jsx
│ │ │ ├───📄 Counter.jsx
│ │ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ │ ├───📁 Cart
│ │ │ ├───📄 CardProduct.jsx
│ │ │ ├───📄 CartProducts.jsx
│ │ │ ├───📄 CartSummary.jsx
│ │ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ │ ├───📁 Error
│ │ │ ├───📄 Error.jsx
│ │ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ ├───📁 redux
│ │ ├───📄 cartSlice.jsx
│ │ ├───📄 index.jsx
│ │ └───📄 productSlice.jsx
│ ├───📁 screens
│ │ ├───📁 CartScreen
│ │ │ ├───📄 CartScreen.jsx
│ │ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ │ ├───📁 HomeScreen
│ │ │ ├───📄 HomeScreen.jsx
│ │ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ │ └───📄 index.jsx
│ └───📁 services
│ │ ├───📄 api.js
│ │ ├───📄 cartService.js
│ │ └───📄 productService.js
└───📄 yarn.lock