AdaParse (Adaptive Parallel PDF Parsing and Resource Scaling Engine) enable scalable high-accuracy PDF parsing. AdaParse is a data-driven strategy that assigns an appropriate parser to each document; offering high accuracy for any computaional budget. Moreover, it offers a workflow of various PDF parsing software that includes
- extraction tools: PyMuPDF, pypdf
- traditional OCR: Tesseract,
- modern OCR (e.g., Vision Transformers): Nougat, and Marker
AdaParse designed to run on HPC systems and has parsed millions of (scientific) PDFs. It uses Parsl to submit jobs to the scheduler. While AdaParse is agnostic to the specific system, instructions below are tailored to the Polaris supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). Regardless, AdaParse can run on any system (large or small) by adding an appropriate Parsl configuration.
The steps below enable any of the parsers.
# conda env (machine-speicifc)
module use /soft/modulefiles; module load conda/2024-04-29 # Polaris
conda create -n adaparse python=3.12 -y
conda activate adaparse
# git repo (machine-agnostic)
git clone [email protected]:7shoe/AdaParse.git
cd AdaParse
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install -e .
If you plan on using Tesseract, additional installation steps are required.
The adaparse
workflow can be run at scale using Parsl
> python -m adaparse.convert --help
usage: [-h] --config CONFIG
PDF conversion workflow
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG Path to workflow configuration file
A single command triggers the embarassingly parallel PDF parsing engine:
python -m adaparse.convert --config <your-config.yaml>
PDF files (zipped or unzipped) reside in out_dir. See the configuration file below. AdaParse requires the PDFs to be zipped and will ignore unzipped .pdf files in that directory. Zipped input is optional for the other parsers. This repository provides a CLI to zip PDFs.
adaparse zip-pdfs --input_dir path/to/pdf_directory ---output_dir path/to/destination_directory
The YAML configuration file specifies all aspects of the chosen parser, virtual environment and computing platform it is run on.
An sample configuration YAML file is provided below.
# The directory containing the PDFs to be parsed
pdf_dir: /lus/eagle/projects/argonne_tpc/siebenschuh/small-pdf-dataset
# The directory to store the JSONLs
out_dir: runs/output-dir
# AdaParse *requires* zipped input (optional for other parsers)
iszip: true
# The number of PDFs per parsl task
chunk_size: 1
# Parser settings
# The name of the parser to use
name: adaparse
# Compute settings (e.g., ANL's Polaris)
# The name of the compute platform to use
name: polaris
# The number of compute nodes to use
num_nodes: 1
# Activate conda environment and set HF cache path
worker_init: "module use /soft/modulefiles; module load conda/2024-04-29; conda activate adaparse; export HF_HOME=<path-to-your-HF-cache-dir>"
# Scheduler options
scheduler_options: "#PBS -l filesystems=home:eagle"
# Your account/project that will be charged
account: <your-account-name-to-charge>
# The HPC queue to submit to
queue: debug
# The amount of runtime requested for this job
walltime: 00:60:00
Example configuration files for each parser can be found in:
- AdaParse: examples/adaparse/adaparse_test.yaml
- Nougat: examples/nougat/nougat_test.yaml
- Marker: examples/marker/marker_test.yaml
- PyMuPDF: examples/pymupdf/pymupdf_test.yaml
- pypdf: examples/pymupdf/pymupdf_test.yaml
- Tesseract: examples/tesseract/tesseract_test.yaml
Once you've updated the YAML file and run the AdaParse command, the textual output will be written to out_dir. The subdirectory <out_dir>/parsed_pdfs contains the parsed PDF output in JSON Lines format. Each line of the JSONL file contains a path field with the PDF source file, a text field containing the parsed text, and a metadata field with information such as the author and title. Please note that the specific metadata stored depends on the parser. Moreover, some attributes may not be provided by the PDF file, resulting in an empty string (''). Hence, a typical line in the JSONL file may look like this:
{"path": "/path/to/1.pdf",
"text": "Text of the 1st PDF.",
"metadata" : {
"title" : "Ising string beyond the Nambu-Goto action",
"authors" : "",
"format" : "PDF 1.4",
"creationdate" : "",
"keywords" : "",
"doi" : "",
"first_page" : "One of the most promising approaches ...",
"abstract" : "A major result of ...",
"page_char_idx" : [0, 2961, 7407, 11735, 13927]
"parser" : "pymupdf"
Note: If the parser fails to parse a PDF, the JSONL file will not contain an entry for that PDF.
See the Monitoring the Workflow section for description of the other log files that are generated during the workflow.
It is recommended to use a virtual environment for developement. The following commands will create a virtual environment, install the package in editable mode, and install the pre-commit hooks.
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
pip install -e '.[dev,docs]'
pre-commit install
author = {Carlo Siebenschuh and Kyle Hippe and Ozan Gokdemir and Alexander Brace and Arham Mushtaq Khan and Khalid Hossain and Yadu Babuji and Nicholas Chia and Venkatram Vishwanath and Arvind Ramanathan and Rick L. Stevens and Ian Foster and Robert Underwood},
title = {{AdaParse}: An Adaptive Parallel {PDF} Parsing and Resource Scaling Engine},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys)},
year = {2025},
note = {Accepted for publication at MLSys 2025. Preprint not yet publicly available.}