Starred repositories
NSAttributedString 富文本方法 (图文混排、多样式文本) (RZColorful Swift版) UILabel 折叠 展开 文本可点击
图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iC…
835932621 / CRBoxInputView
Forked from CRAnimation/CRBoxInputViewVerify code input view. Support security type for password.短信验证码输入框,支持密文模式
秒级! 三行代码实现iOS视频压缩、变速、混音、合并、GIF水印、旋转、换音、裁剪 ! 支持不同分辩率,支持你能想到的各种混合操作! 扩展性强...更多功能不断增加中... iOS 8.0 + 有需要的功能或错误欢迎issue,笔者会及时更新
A declarative, performant, iOS calendar UI component that supports use cases ranging from simple date pickers all the way up to fully-featured calendar apps.
This library is for adding animation to iOS tabbar items, which is inherited from UITabBarController.
📱 TabBar – highly customizable tab bar (i.e. TabView) for your SwiftUI application.
835932621 / KLine
Forked from h-js/KLine高仿火币K线图 实现OC Swift Flutter 三个版本
A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries
835932621 / SwiftMesh
Forked from zjinhu/SwiftMeshswift砖块系列:基于Alamofire5的封装,更加快捷的发起网络请求,post,get,download,表单upload等等
835932621 / ZLPhotoBrowser
Forked from longitachi/ZLPhotoBrowserWechat-like image picker. Support select normal photos, videos, gif and livePhoto. Support edit image and crop video. 微信样式的图片选择器,支持预览/相册内拍照及录视频、拖拽/滑动选择,编辑图片/视频,支持多语言国际化等功能;
Wechat-like image picker. Support select photos, videos, gif and livePhoto. Support edit image and crop video. 微信样式的图片选择器,支持预览/相册内拍照及录视频、拖拽/滑动选择,编辑图片/视频,支持多语言国际化等功能;
835932621 / SwiftHub
Forked from khoren93/SwiftHubGitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture
835932621 / RxGesture
Forked from RxSwiftCommunity/RxGestureRxSwift reactive wrapper for view gestures
一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+