The included code in this project is to produce predictions for the Kaggle
"Random acts of pizza" competition:
Usage: in a command line run "python"
- scikit learn version 0.14.1 or later
- nosetests
- nltk with latest data packages (see: see for steps to update path if necessary)
In this file, you can update the following parameters:
- Training and Test File locations
- Paths to output for models, evaluations results and kaggle submission file
- Name of your model
- Additional features to include beyond the baseline features
- MOST IMPORTANT: You can choose your classifier
With these parameters specified, the program will output to the path:
CSV file for submission to Kaggle
Model Evaluation Files for Review
Binary files to predict results for new Reddit Posts
For full details of the system and results, please see the included report on our system.
Note Also: This system and code can be adapted for similar problems
**"import raop pipeline"** This module contains functions to preprocess data
and extract features. Check out doc strings and code for details.