Environment: Node.js v20.9.0
npm install # to install node_modules
npm run start # to pack files immediately, start web server
npm run build # to build packed files, and after that start a web server
npm run clean # to delete the files created by npm install, npm run start, npm run build
du -sh . # disk usage, summary, human readable, for the current directory
hexdump -C fname # hex dump with characters a file
error message after "npm run build", "Error: Expected content key c60a9ec6d268c542 to exist"
rm .parcel-cache and reexecute "npm run build"
npm run build # parcel build, bundled files give reference error
add --no-scope-hoist
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Missing or invalid topic field
It happens when a WelletConnect session is deleted on the mobile.
perawallet.connector is null in this case, so check its value.
Pera Connect, JavaScript SDK for integrating Pera Wallet to web applications, https://docs.perawallet.app/references/pera-connect
@perawallet/connect, JavaScript SDK for integrating Pera Wallet to web applications, https://github.com/perawallet/connect/blob/main/README.md
@perawallet/connect VanillaJS Demo, https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/perawallet-connect-vanillajs-demo-s5pjeo?file=%2Fsrc%2Findex.js
Parcel, https://parceljs.org
Parcel documentation, https://parceljs.org/docs/
Uncaught ReferenceError after Parcel v2 build command #6711, parcel-bundler/parcel#6711 #
parceljs CLI, https://parceljs.org/features/cli/#parameters-specific-to-build
How-to Use ‘hexdump’, https://ioflood.com/blog/hexdump-linux-command/#:~:text=The%20hexdump%20command%20in%20Linux%20is%20used%20to%20display%20the,%5Boption%5D%20%5Bfilename_or_string%5D%20.
How to Get the Size of a Directory in Linux, https://linuxize.com/post/how-get-size-of-file-directory-linux/
"Error: Expected content key de1e4a02ec63c4eb to exist", https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77166144/error-expected-content-key-de1e4a02ec63c4eb-to-exist-getting-this-error-in-reac
Optional chaining (?.), https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Optional_chaining