Automate the export and import of analytic rules to one or multiple sentinel instance in selected subscriptions.
Helper Script:
Export: export-azSentinelRules.ps1
import: import-azSentinelRules.ps1
Pre-requirements: run Do-Checks.ps1
System admin rights
PowerShell Core version 6.2 or higher (required for AzSentinel module)
Azure PowerShell Module (AZ)
Sentinel PowerShell Module (AzSentinel)
Set PowerShell Execution Policy
Download files from github ABREG0/az-sentinel: sentinel work ( - in a web browser zipped format or by cloning the repo with git.
Verify system has all required components
Open PowerShell version installed with Windows 10
Set execution policy: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass|unrestricted (check with your IT security if policies to restrict this are implemented)
Run Do-Checks.ps1 script
Have an Azure Subscriptions
Logon to Azure with required permissions
Create or use an empty Azure Sentinel Instance
Manually add analytic rules to export (if using existing instance and rules exist, this step is not necessary)
Verify all pre-requirements are in place
Open PowerShell 5.x or Core
Navigate to folder containing scripts
Edit export-azSentinelRules.ps1. find variable named "$tenantID" and add your tenant id inside the single quotes
Run: export-azSentinelRules.ps1
Authenticate to your Azure tenant (email/password and MFA if required)
Select Subscription that contains your Sentinel Log Analytics instance
Select the Log Analytics Workspace that contains rules to export
Select folder name for exported rules (note: a subfolder with log analytics workspace name is created during export process)
Have an Azure Subscriptions
Logon to Azure with required permissions
Create or use an empty Azure Sentinel Instance
Manually add analytic rules to export (if using existing instance and rules exist, this step is not necessary)
Verify all pre-requirements are in place
Open PowerShell 5.x or Core
Navigate to folder containing scripts
Edit import-azSentinelRules.ps1. find variable named "$tenantID" and add your tenant id inside the single quotes
Run: import-azSentinelRules.ps1
Authenticate to your Azure tenant (email/password and MFA if required)
Select Subscription that contains your Sentinel Log Analytics instance
Select the Log Analytics Workspace that contains rules to export
Select folder name containing your rules (you can select one or multiples)
cabrego 202104