Tags: ADORSYS-GIS/wazuh-agent-status
Key changes: - Add methode to reconnect agent to manager
Key changes: - Add update feature and make windows versions work
Key Changes: Key changes: - Remove the ability to perform actions on the client and server apps
Key Changes: GitHub Actions Workflows: - Separated the initial monolitic tray icon app to a wazuh agent status server app and a wazuh agent status client tray icon app - Updated the release workflow to build the binaries of the wazuh agent status server and client and upload them
Key Changes: GitHub Actions Workflows: Added two workflows for building binaries: build.yaml: Main workflow for managing release process. build-linux.yaml: Builds Linux binaries for amd64 and arm64 architectures. build-macos.yaml: Builds macOS binaries, with specific support for Silicon (ARM64). Assets: Added UI assets (green-dot.png, gray-dot.png, pause.png, restart.png, wazuh-logo.png) used in the application. Platform-Specific Go Files: Added darwin.go, linux.go, and windows.go for platform-specific logic and system tray functionalities. Impact: This change allows for automated, multi-platform build pipelines that will ensure binaries are generated and tested across Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms, enabling cross-platform compatibility.