A simple but powerful PHP library for distributed computing. You can change your foreach loop script to DistComp format and run it by distributed computing.
Using method:
Require("THE_SAVE_PATH/lib/[email protected]");
$ReturnValues = DistCompHome($Array, '$key=>$value', $script, '$ReturnValues_inScript', $Vars_inscripts, $np);
A normal foreach loop needs a hash array as keys and values and it will repeat the codes in order. DistComp@home is able to divide the repeat works into several parts and run it simultaneously. In DistComp@home, we still need an array, keys, values, script. Be careful the variables in the script need to be defined as an array. In addition, you can use
to divide your works into the number of pieces you want.
See complete expamples in
. You can compare the difference between[email protected]
and[email protected]