Tags: AKEric/skinner
v1.2.0 Updates window.py: Rearranging some of the Import tab UI elements. Bugfixing App.importSkin : It wasn't closing the undoChunk. Adding the 'Auto-Fix Broken skinCluster' to the 'Extras' tab. Updating tooltips, making multi-line. core.py : Setting setWeights unskinFirst default to False, was True. Updating the undoChunk closing code with specific names. Adding regenrateSkinCluster, adding new tempFilePath arg, and kwargs capturing to both exportTempSkin and importTempSkin. utils.py : Updating setBindPose : "it stopped working", and now needs a 'g' (global) arg set True.
v1.1.11 Bugfixing tool to properly paste weights on selected verts. Specifically: utils.py : updating addInfluences to not change any weights when influences are added. Adding transposeWeights, to reorder SkinChunk influence weights based on skinCluster influence order. core.py : updating setWeights to leverage the new utils.transposeWeights to sort SkinChunk weights in the same order as the influences on the skinCluster. Also raising more expections if 'selectVertsOnly' is set and operations would happen that would change the skinning. Various verbose logging formatting changes.
Update README.md Updating docs now that code is open source
Add files via upload Re-obfuscating with Pyarmor to try to get past 'Marshal load fails' errors some people get.