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Improve rendering quality of water (FAForever#4391)
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The water is now more consistent, especially near the shore.
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BlackYps authored Nov 13, 2022
1 parent 44c3f80 commit 25fde43
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 134 deletions.
172 changes: 38 additions & 134 deletions effects/water2.fx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,14 +132,8 @@ sampler2D MaskSampler = sampler_state
float3 waterColor = float3(0,0.7,1.5);
float3 waterColorLowFi = float3(0.7647,0.8784,0.9647);

// surface water lerp amount
// these actually get overridden by the map
float2 waterLerp = 0.3;

// scale of the refraction
float refractionScale = 0.015;

Expand All @@ -148,19 +142,11 @@ float refractionScale = 0.015;
float fresnelBias = 0.1;
float fresnelPower = 1.5;

// reflection amount
// these actually get overridden by the map
float unitreflectionAmount = 0.5;

// sky reflection amount
float skyreflectionAmount = 1.5;

// 3 repeat rate for 3 texture layers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,10 +304,7 @@ float4 inPos : POSITION,
result.mLayer3 = (inPos.xz + (normal4Movement * Time)) * normalRepeatRate.w;

// calculate the view vector
result.mViewVec = - ViewPosition;

// float3 SunPosition = float3(175, 100, 0);
// result.mLightVector = - SunPosition;
result.mViewVec = ViewPosition -;

return result;
Expand All @@ -331,46 +314,29 @@ float4 HighFidelityPS( VS_OUTPUT inV,
uniform int alphaFunc,
uniform int alphaRef ) : COLOR
// calculate the depth of water at this pixel, we use this to decide
// how to shade and it should become lesser as we get shallower
// so that we don't have a sharp line
float4 waterTexture = tex2D( UtilitySamplerC, inV.mTexUV );
float waterDepth = waterTexture.g;

//waterDepth *= 50;

// if( waterDepth > 0 )
// waterDepth = 1;

// return waterDepth;

//return waterTexture.r;

// calculate the correct viewvector
float3 viewVector = normalize(inV.mViewVec);

// get perspective correct coordinate for sampling from the other textures
// the screenPos is then in 0..1 range with the origin at the top left of the screen
float OneOverW = 1.0 / inV.mScreenPos.w; *= OneOverW;
float2 screenPos = inV.mScreenPos.xy * ViewportScaleOffset.xy;
screenPos +=;

// calculate the background pixel
float4 backGroundPixels = tex2D( RefractionSampler, screenPos );
// get the unaltered sea floor
float4 backGroundPixels = tex2D(RefractionSampler, screenPos);
// because the range of the alpha value that we use for the water is very small
// we multiply by a large number and then saturate
// this will also help in the case where we filter to an intermediate value
float mask = saturate(backGroundPixels.a * 255);

// calculate the normal we will be using for the water surface
float4 W0 = tex2D( NormalSampler0, inV.mLayer0 );
float4 W1 = tex2D( NormalSampler1, inV.mLayer1 );
float4 W2 = tex2D( NormalSampler2, inV.mLayer2 );
Expand All @@ -379,120 +345,58 @@ float4 HighFidelityPS( VS_OUTPUT inV,
float4 sum = W0 + W1 + W2 + W3;
float waveCrest = saturate( sum.a - waveCrestThreshold );

// average, scale, bias and normalize
// scale, bias and normalize
float3 N = 2.0 * - 4.0;

// flatness
N = normalize(N.xzy);

// flatness
float3 up = float3(0,1,0);
N = lerp(up, N, waterTexture.r);

// calculate the reflection vector
float3 R = reflect( viewVector, N );

// calculate the sky reflection color
float4 skyReflection = texCUBE( SkySampler, R );
float3 R = reflect(-viewVector, N);

// get the correct coordinate for sampling refraction and reflection
float2 refractionPos = screenPos;
// refractionPos *= ViewportScaleOffset.xy;
// refractionPos +=;
refractionPos -= refractionScale * N.xz * OneOverW;

// calculate the refract pixel, corrected for fetching a non-refractable pixel
float4 refractedPixels = tex2D( RefractionSampler, refractionPos);
// because the range of the alpha value that we use for the water is very small
// we multiply by a large number and then saturate
// this will also help in the case where we filter to an intermediate value = lerp(refractedPixels, backGroundPixels, saturate(refractedPixels.w * 255) ).xyz;

// calculate the reflected value at this pixel
float4 reflectedPixels = tex2D( ReflectionSampler, refractionPos);

// calculate the fresnel term from a lookup texture
float fresnel;
float NDotL = saturate( dot(-viewVector, N) );
fresnel = tex2D( FresnelSampler, float2(waterDepth, NDotL ) ).r;

// figure out the sun reflection
// moved this to a texture and no speedup.. already texture bwidth bound I think
float3 sunReflection = pow( saturate(dot(-R, SunDirection)), SunShininess) * SunColor;

// lerp the reflections together
reflectedPixels = lerp( skyReflection, reflectedPixels, saturate(unitreflectionAmount * reflectedPixels.w));
float4 refractedPixels = tex2D(RefractionSampler, refractionPos);

// we want to lerp in some of the water color based on depth, but
// we want to lerp in some of the water color based on depth, but
// not totally on depth as it gets clamped
float waterLerp = clamp(waterDepth, waterLerp.x, waterLerp.y); = lerp(, waterColor, waterLerp);

// lerp in the color
// = lerp(, waterColor, waterLerp);
// implement the water depth into the reflection
float depthReflectionAmount = 10;
skyreflectionAmount *= saturate(waterDepth * depthReflectionAmount);
// calculate reflections of units
// We can't compute wich part of the unit we would hit with our reflection vector,
// so we have to resort to an approximation using the refractionPos
float4 reflectedPixels = tex2D(ReflectionSampler, refractionPos);

float4 skyReflection = texCUBE(SkySampler, R);
// lerp the reflections together
reflectedPixels = lerp(skyReflection, reflectedPixels, saturate(reflectedPixels.a));

// lerp the reflection into the refraction
refractedPixels = lerp( refractedPixels, reflectedPixels, saturate(skyreflectionAmount * fresnel));

// add in the sky reflection
//Schlick approximation for fresnel
float NDotV = saturate(dot(viewVector, N));
float F0 = 0.08;
float fresnel = F0 + (1.0 - F0) * pow(1.0 - NDotV, 5.0);

// the default value of 1.5 is way to high, but we want to preserve manually set values in existing maps
if (skyreflectionAmount == 1.5)
skyreflectionAmount = 1.0;
refractedPixels = lerp(refractedPixels, reflectedPixels, saturate(fresnel * skyreflectionAmount));

// add in the sun reflection
float3 sunReflection = pow(saturate(dot(-R, SunDirection)), SunShininess) * SunColor;
sunReflection = sunReflection * fresnel; += sunReflection;

// Lerp in the wave crests = lerp(, waveCrestColor, (1 - waterTexture.a) * waveCrest);

// Lerp in a wave crest = lerp(, waveCrestColor, ( 1 - waterTexture.a ) * waveCrest);

// return the pixels masked out by the water mask
#if 1
// use alphablend, don't get any glow
float4 returnPixels = refractedPixels;
returnPixels.a = 1 - mask;
#ifdef DIRECT3D10
//if( alphaTestEnable )
// AlphaTestD3D10( returnPixels.a, alphaFunc, alphaRef );
return returnPixels;
// use lerp, do get glow
refractedPixels.w = sunReflection.r * SunGlow;
float4 returnPixels = lerp( refractedPixels, backGroundPixels, mask);
#ifdef DIRECT3D10
if( alphaTestEnable )
AlphaTestD3D10( returnPixels.a, alphaFunc, alphaRef );
return returnPixels;

float4 MediumFidelityPS0( LOWFIDELITY_VERTEX vertex) : COLOR
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