This project aim is to provide free software to fetch data from plcs (Siemens S7-300/400/1200/1500) and store it. Used stack is completly opensource. I used InfluDB as data storage, so application …
SolarCar_Board Public
Project for dashboard and program on main computer. Main functions: fetch data from can network, process it, visualize.
network_endpoints_mapper Public
Draw network topology based on cisco switches . End result is : we get on each port endpoint's mac address , map it on ip address and finaly obtain name by manually created table.
education Public
Forked from Rachnog/educationMaterials for my lectures and for self-study in machine learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 27, 2020 -
CNN_Brain_Segmentation Public
3D brain segmentation, split to seprate 3 axis segmentation
Detection of top 5 Poznan buildings based on images with Bag of Words method.
Recognition of Top 5 most famous Poznan buildings using CNN as opposed to Bag of words method, which was tested previously.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 21, 2020 -
LegoDetection Public
The goal of the project is to calculate the total number of holes in each of the LEGO objects using python and opencv
Algorytmy_PID Public
Algorithms for PID tuning inspired from nature. Particle swarm optimization and Cuttlefish Optimization Algorithm
Electrical documentation of intelligent shelf - academic project
UpdatedFeb 21, 2018 -