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Aritz Beobide-Cardinal edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 1 revision

This class won't be available unless the arc-web3-signable-accounts addon is installed!

Before using this class, InitializeWeb3 must be called! See the following example:

{EthereumAccountSignable, InitializeWeb3} = require("arc-web3");
await InitializeWeb3(); // The EthereumAccountSignable constructor will throw an error until this resolves
let account = new EthereumAccountSignable(...);

EthereumAccountSignable is an class representing... Ethereum accounts which can sign transactions, funny enough.


  • (AddressString) address: The account's address.
  • (PrivateKeyBuffer) privKey: The private key used to create this object
  • (Uint8Array) pubKey: The public key associated with the private key


new EthereumAccountSignable(Web3Connection, PrivateKeyBuffer)

EthereumAccounts only act as an abstraction to check an account balance in a more object-oriented way.

// No example. (Feel free to suggest one!)

Promise(BigNumber) EthereumAccountSignable.balance([Number blockNumber])

Returns the accounts balance in wei. If you want the ether value, divide by 1e18. You can specify a block number if you wish to look up historical balance. If no arguments are given, it will return the latest balance.

// No example. (Feel free to suggest one!)


Any future calls to the specified contract will set the msg.sender value to this EthereumAccount by default. The contract's writable functions will also use this EthereumAccountSignable to sign outgoing transactions.

// No example. (Feel free to suggest one!)


Alias of the above function.

// No example. (Feel free to suggest one!)

Promise(TransactionHash) EthereumAccountSignable.transfer(AddressString || EthereumContract || EthereumAccount || EthereumAccountSignable to, BigNumber amount, [Number gasPrice, Number gasLimit, Number nonce])

Sends the specified amount of wei to the specified account. If gasPrice, gasLimit, or nonce aren't sent, they'll be automatically determined.

// No example. (Feel free to suggest one!)
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