GoBus is a bus ticket booking system built using PHP. This project is aimed to enhance ticket allotment system for buses which are one of the most widely used means of public transport. The details such as buses, bus number, bus routes, booking and customer details will be provided and maintained by using a Database System.
- PHP >= 5.0
- Intel Pentium IV orocessor or higher
- 512 MB RAM or higher
- 20 GB HDD or higher
- Network Connectivity
Clone this repo into a desired directory.
Open XAMPP, start Apache and MySql. Go to the XAMPP shell and migrate to the project directory and start the php server with this command:
php -S localhost:8000
Navigate to http://localhost:8000
- Can book tickets
- Can delete booking
- Get to know the destination state COVID details
- PNR Enquiry
Add, Edit and Delete :
- Bus details
- Customer details
- Route details
- Booking details
Add another admin
Username - as Password - as
Dashboard : Contains the summary of all the other fields of importance i.e Bookings, Buses, Seats, Routes, Customers and Admins.
Add new Admin : Here, an existing admin can add more admins. This ensures that no fake accounts are created.
Customers : Details about all the customers present in the database is shown here.
Routes : Details about all the routes present in the database is shown here.
- Host this project
- Genuine Calculation of Booking Amount.
- Admin should be able to upload image which can be cropped in the website.
- Email should be sent to the customer on booking completion.
- A booked ticket to be sent in the email, which can also be made available through PNR enquiry(Design - 30% done).
- Displaying the weather in admin pages.(API)
- Client Side form Validation
- Code Gallery Page.
- Contact Form
- Add Cool CSS Loaders to the Site
- Add Activity Section in the Dashboard page
- User can edit booking (name, phone and booked seat)
1. Show the covid details in a graph format.
2. Customer Authentication ??
3. Edit and Delete should have diff designs.(refer github site)
Made with ❤️ by Ashwin Anil