Typescript/Express API running in GCP (School Account) using Cloud Run/Cloud SQL
npm run test
All Infrastructure is Terraformed see ./deploy
Environment Variables are located in .envrc
and .deploy/deploy.sh --with-docker
will use those env vars to do the following:
- build container
- push tag to
- terraform apply
- run flyway migrations
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "Soraya",
"lastName": "Lanza",
"password": "hello123"
"amountInCents": 233433344
- Routes are authed using basic auth
"email": "[email protected]"
// Password
"password": "afa;dfslm"
// Name
"firstName": "Sandra"
"lastName": "Oh" // only one is reqquired
- Repository Tests
- Postman Collection
- DRY up error handling
- Cleanup Queries / More Types
- fewer magic strings/numbers