Releases: AWilliams17/MonoJabber
v1.3: Fixed admin bugs, dynamic pipe names.
-Running the injector as admin and the injectee as a normal user no longer breaks the pipes, fixing #1.
-MonoJabber and MonoLoader now use semi-dynamic pipe names. Still not sure if that's necessary or not, but better safe than sorry.
v1.2: Pipes work way better
-Fixed problems leading to pipes not working properly
-Added warning about running as administrator, which is to remain until #1 is fixed.
v1.1: Using pipes to get result instead of a message box.
-Now using pipes to get the result of MonoLoaderDLL's operations. This is much more elegant, as I can now directly print that out in MonoJabber.exe instead of using a MessageBox in the target which leads to instability... Plus it just makes more sense. In the future I'll use a pipe for the parameters too.
Initial release.
Ensure MemTools and MonoLoaderDLL.dll are both in the same folder as MonoJabber.exe.
Example usage:
MonoJabber.exe "SCPSL.exe" "D:\Source\SCP-Exposed-Establishment\SCPEE\bin\x64\Release\SCPEE.dll" "SCPEE.NotEvil" "EELoader" "Init"