After nearly six months developing, testing and polishing, the first stable version of Housekeeper 2
is finally released!
aims to be the coolest, handiest Repository Pattern
implementation, any useful suggestion and PR are welcomed.
Increasing unit test code coverage is a work in progress (lots of works), but there is a set of integration tests running locally that covered most code.
is a flexable and powerful Repository Pattern
implemention for Laravel
. In addition to the basic Repository Pattern
and elegant syntax, Housekeeper
has features like Injection system
, Auto-Booting Method that will let you creating endless possibilities. The goal of Housekeeper
is free you from the redundant and boring DAL
stuff, coding more intuitively.
- Repository Pattern and Housekeeper
- Installation
- TL;DR (Quick start)
- Features
- Abilities
- Issue
- Lisence
- Credits
The Repository Pattern
is a software design pattern. In a nutshell, it means to encapsulate your data interaction code as methods that belong to different classes (Base on data domain), we call this type of class as Repository
. When your business logic layer needs to accessing data such as an article entry in the database, it should ask to the Article Repository
instead of writing inline query that deal with database directly.
OK, but ... I already got Eloquent, why not just using that?
Of course you can! But there're people who's not a fan of the Active Record, it just doesn't feel right for them, for these people, the Repository Pattern makes more sense. Besides, you can write method that is more expressive on your repository class, like getActivatedUsers(), and you can write tests for them very easily.
More importantly, Housekeeper
is a better version of Repository Pattern
(In some ways), you could read more about it below.
Housekeeper loves Eloquent. Most query APIs are the same as the Eloquent's, so you can use them without the needing to learn anything, and the returns are like Eloquent's too.
>= 5.5
and Laravel
>= 5.1
$ composer require aaronjan/housekeeper ~2.3
or add these to your composer.json
"require": {
"aaronjan/housekeeper": "~2.3"
then execute console command:
$ composer install
After Composer
finish running, add the HousekeeperServiceProvider
to the providers in config/app.php
// ...
'providers' => [
// ...
// Add this:
// ...
// ...
Make a configuration file for Housekeeper
could allow you to tweak things:
$ artisan vendor:publish --provider=Housekeeper\\Providers\\HousekeeperServiceProvider --tag=config
It's done! Now you can make a repository:
$ artisan housekeeper:make UserRepository
If you have outstanding insight, this section will tell you how to use Housekeeper
in the simplest words.
Do not write
class constructor
, useboot
method instead, supportsType-Hinting
. -
Any public method that name starts with boot and followed by an upper-case letter (for instance, bootForInject), then this method will be called during class initializing, also support
. -
If you want to do something before/after some methods belong across multiple repository, encapsulate these logics as
then inject them into your repositorys. -
By using the two features above, you can write
to injectInjection
, and use it in your repository.
Take a example:
namespace App\Repositories\Injections;
use Housekeeper\Contracts\Injection\Basic as BasicInjectionContract;
use Housekeeper\Contracts\Injection\Before as BeforeInjectionContract;
use Housekeeper\Contracts\Flow\Before as BeforeFlowContract;
class LogTimeBefore implements BasicInjectionContract, BeforeInjectionContract
public function handle(BeforeFlowContract $beforeFlow)
namespace App\Repositories\Abilities;
use App\Repositories\Injections\LogTimeBefore;
trait TimeLogger
public function bootTimeLogger()
$this->injectIntoBefore(new LogTimeBefore());
namespace App\Repositories;
use Housekeeper\Repository;
use App\Repositories\Abilities\TimeLogger;
class MyRepository extends Repository
use TimeLogger;
// ...
has someAbilities
(traits) that are out-of-the-box: -
You have to write two methods for every method you meant to write (Recommended):
class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
protected function model()
return Article::class;
public function getByName($name)
return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ, [$this, '_getByName']);
protected function _getByName($name)
return $this->getModel() // this function give you an Eloquent / Builder instance
->where('name', '=', $name)
That's it, take a look at the Abilities
' code for more usages, Have fun!
The Repository Pattern
is usually used with the Decorator Pattern
. For instance, you have a repository class to interacting with data source directly, later you decide to add cache logic on top of that, so instead of changing the repository class its self, you could create a new class that extending it, and the whole thing may looks like this:
class Repository
public function findBook($id)
return Book::find($id);
use Cache;
class CachedRepository extends Repository
public function findBook($id)
return Cache::remember("book_{$id}", 60, function () use ($id) {
return parent::findBook($id);
The Repository class
is the bottom layer, CachedRepository class
is another layer that base on the former, so one layer just do one thing (SRP: Single Responsibility Principle).
That is a good approach. But Housekeeper
wants to solving the problem with less code by using Flows
are three stages in every method execution, they're: Before
, After
and Reset
. Every method in a Housekeeper Repository
should be wrapped so it can go through these Flows
. Here is an example:
class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
protected function model()
return Article::class;
public function getByName($name)
return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ, [$this, '_getByName']);
protected function _getByName($name)
return $this->getModel() // this function give you an Eloquent / Builder instance
->where('name', '=', $name)
Why there are two methods that had similar names? Well, the getByName
method is basically a configuration and an API hint for the core method _getByName
, it wrapped the core method by calling the simpleWrap
with an Callable
which is [$this, '_getByName']
, It says what this method does is reading
data (Action::READ
), the whole reading logic is in the _getByName
You don't have to worry about method arguments, Housekeeper
will takes care of that. In fact, you don't even need to write [$this, '_getByName']
, since it's a convention in Housekeeper
(An underscore before your method name):
public function getByName($name)
return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ);
Let's back to the cache logic
topic. In Housekeeper
, if you wrapped your method like above, than to adding cache process, all you need to do is writing a single line of code like this:
class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
use \Housekeeper\Abilities\CacheStatically; // Adding this
Now all your method returns will be cached automatically, just like that.
Is it cool?
Here a sequence diagram of method execution in Housekeeper
(Core Flow is the actual method logic):
allows you to inject logic (called Injection
) into any Flow
, in every Flow
, the Injections
that belong to the Flow
will be executed. Injection
is just like Middleware
but with 3 types: Before
, After
and Reset
(matching 3 different injectable Flows
). Here is an example:
class MyBeforeInjection implements \Housekeeper\Contracts\Injection\Before
public function priority()
return 30; // Smaller first
// main method
public function handle(\Housekeeper\Contracts\Flow\Before $beforeFlow)
// In here you can get the `Action` object
$action = $beforeFlow->getAction();
// Or get the `Repository`
$repository = $beforeFlow->getRepository();
// And you can set the returns (Only in `Before Flow`)
The handle
method in Injection
takes a Flow
object, depends on what Flow
you injected into, the methods of the Flow
object could be different, for instance, Before Flow
provides setReturnValue
method, you could call it by pass a value to it, then Housekeeper
will use this value as the return and skip the actual method.
You can inject Injection
by using the these methods: injectIntoBefore
, injectIntoAfter
and injectIntoReset
class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
// `Housekeeper` will call the `boot` method automatically with `Dependency Injection` process
public function boot()
$this->injectIntoBefore(new MyBeforeInjection());
// ...
Here is flowchart of the Before Flow
also will calling every method in the Repository
class that name start with boot
(before calling the boot
method) when Repository
instance been creating, some of the out-of-the-box Abilities
in Housekeeper
are took advantage of this, like in Adjustable
trait Adjustable
// ...
public function bootAdjustable()
$this->injectIntoBefore(new ApplyCriteriasBefore());
// ...
Let's assume someone wrote code like these:
use Housekeeper\Action;
class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
public function getArticlesByAuthorId($authorId)
return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ);
protected function _getArticlesByAuthorId($authorId)
return $this
['author_id', '=', $authorId],
public function getArticlesBySameAuthor($articleId)
return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ);
protected function _getArticlesBySameAuthor($articleId)
$article = $this->getModel()->find($articleId, ['id', 'author_id']);
return $this->getArticlesByAuthorId($article->author_id);
// ...
class ArticleController
public function getRecommendForArticle(ArticleRepository $articleRepository, $articleId)
$articles = $articleRepository
['language', '=', 'chinese'],
return view('article.recommend-for-article', compact('articles'));
// ...
In this example, the applyWheres
method has been used twice, one is in the Controller
, the other is in the Repository
, could the first one affecting the _getArticlesByAuthorId
method? No. It will only affecting the _getArticlesBySameAuthor
method, and be more precisely, it's affecting this line:
$article = $this->getModel()->find($articleId, ['id', 'author_id']);
Every wrapped method in Housekeeper
has their own Scope
, means they have their own Eloquent Model
(Or Builder
), thus they will not taking any affect to each other. If you calling applyWheres
or ApplyOrderBy
outside the repository, they would only affecting the first wrapped method you called.
Having two methods could be annoying, you can write an Anonymous Function
, before the simpleWrap
takes a Callable
public function getByName($name)
return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ, function (name) {
return $this->getModel()
->where('name', '=', $name)
Add an array of where clauses to the query.
- An array ofwhere
['age', '>', 40],
['area', 'west']
['area', 'east'],
function ($query) {
$query->whereHas('posts', function ($hasQuery) {
$hasQuery->where('type', 1);
Alias for the whereAre
- An array ofwhere
Add an "order by" clause to the query.
->orderBy('age', 'desc')
Alias for the orderBy
Set the "offset" value of the query.
- The specified offset of the first row to return.
Set the "limit" value of the query.
- The maximum number of rows to return.
Determine if the record exists using its primary key.
- The primary key of the record.$column
- You could also specify a column other than primary key, and change the value of$id
$userRepository->exists('name', 'John');
You could use this method with custom query conditions too:
$userRepository->whereAre(['gender' => 'female'])->exists(1);
Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
Find a model by its primary key.
- Specify columns that you want to retrieve.
$userRepository->find(1, ['id', 'name', 'gender', 'age']);
Find a collection of models by their primary key.
- Specify columns that you want to retrieve.
Update a record in the database.
$userRepository->update(24, [
'name' => 'Kobe Bryant'
Create a model with $attributes
Delete a record from the database by its primary key.
Execute the query and retrieve the first result.
Execute the query as a "select" statement.
Paginate the given query.
Retrieve models by a simple equality query.
Set the relationships that should be eager loaded, like Eloquent
$users = $userRepository->with('posts')->paginate(10);
For more complex queries, you could put them in a Criteria
class that is more semantic and reuse them anywhere you want, for that, using the Adjustable
namespace App\Repositories\Criterias;
class ActiveUserCriteria implements Housekeeper\Abilities\Adjustable\Contracts\Criteria
public function apply(Housekeeper\Contracts\Repository $repository)
['paid', '=', 1],
['logged_recently', '=', 1],
Then in your controller:
$activeUserCriteria = new ActiveUserCriteria();
// UserRepository must used the `Adjustable` trait
$activeUsers = $userRepository->applyCriteria($activeUserCriteria)->all();
// Or you can remember this Criteria:
$activeUsers = $userRepository->all();
$femaleActiveUsers = $userRepository->where('gender', '=', 'female')->all();
Apply this Criteria
only once.
- Criteria object.
Remember this Criteria
, it will be applied when every wrapped method been called (Only the first one, iternal method calling will be ignored).
- Criteria object.
Remove all remembered Criterias
(Not applied).
Get all remembered Criterias
This Abilitiy
provides lots of Eloquent
style query APIs that you are very familiar with.
This Ability
implemented a very simple cache system: Caching all method returns, and delete them all when creating/updating/deleting, you can clear cache manually too.
Once you use this Ability
, everything is automatic. all()
, find()
, paginate()
and others will go through the cache logic, if any cached return be found, then no database query will be executed. Different method has different cache key, even applying query will change the cache key.
This Ability
may not be much practical in large project, but it shows the flexibility of Housekeeper
, and other cache system is in the roadmap.
// Cache is disabled by default, you have to enable it first.
// This also will be cached!
$userRepository->where('age', '<', '30')->orderBy('age', 'desc')->all();
Wrapped methods has their own cache:
class UserRepository extends Housekeeper\Repository
use Housekeeper\Abilities\CacheStatically;
public function getOnlyActive() // Cached
return $this->simpleWrap(Housekeeper\Action::READ);
protected function _getOnlyActive()
// Every wrapped method has it's own scope, they don't interfere with each other
return $this->whereAre([
['paid', '=', 1],
['logged_recently', '=', 1],
->all(); // Cached too
Enable cache system.
Disable cache system.
Indicate whether cache system is enabled or not.
Delete all caches of this repository.
ignored Mass Assignment Protection
by default, use this Ability
if you need it.
disabled Mass Assignment Protection
by default too, you have to turn it on manually.
// For inputs that we can't trust
// But we can trust our internal process
Enable Mass Assignment Protection
Disable Mass Assignment Protection
Whether or not the Mass Assignment Protection
is enabled.
To utilize the SoftDeletes
trait of the Eloquent
, you should use this Ability
in your repository.
Include soft deletes.
Include soft deletes only.
Hard delete a record by primary key.
Restore a soft-deleted record by primary key.
Create a new repository:
php artisan housekeeper:make MyRepository
Create a new repsitory and a new model:
php artisan housekeeper:make MyRepository --create=Models\\Student
Create a new repository with some Abilities
php artisan housekeeper:make MyRepository --cache=statically --eloquently --adjustable --sd
If you have any question about Housekeeper
, feel free to create an issue, I'll reply you ASAP.
Any useful pull request are welcomed too.
Licensed under the APACHE LISENCE 2.0
Thanks to prettus/l5-repository for inspiring.
Thanks to sunkey for the awesome LOGOs!
Thanks to @DarKDinDoN, @Bruce Peng, @FelipeUmpierre, @rsdev000 for your contributions!
Thanks to Laravel for making our life easier!