Demonstrate how to use TensorRT to accelerate TensorFlow inference on Jetson.
You can learn following things with this sample:
- Convert an LSTM TensorFlow model into UFF format.
- Run a UFF model on Jetson with Python (includes a C++ to Python TensorRT wrapper).
We also include chatbot training and x86 chatbot source(pure python) for user reference.
Please flash your device with JetPack3.2 first.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install swig
sudo pip install numpy
Please get CUDA 9 and TensorRT 3 installed first.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install tensorflow
sudo apt-get install swig
sudo pip install numpy
We also attach a ChatBot model for user reference.
- Don't blame him. He learns to talk with a small database(Cornell).
- This model is trained on ONE Tesla P100 GPU and takes around 15 days to finish.
- You can have the training job done much faster with a DGX-1 server.
- Word vector is 4096. A word not in our vocabulary is replaced by '_'.
- Our ChatBot is sensitive to the symbol. Please don't forget your symbol at the end of the sentence.
- Our model is GAN.
Host: convert TF model into UFF format
$ git clone
$ python src/tf_to_uff/ model/ID210_649999 model/ID210_649999.uff
$ scp model/ID210_649999.uff nvidia@[device IP]:$CHATBOT_ROOT/model/
Device: create TensorRT engine with the converted UFF file
$ git clone
$ wget -P $CHATBOT_ROOT/src/
$ make
$ python model/ID210.pickle model/ID210_649999.uff
Hi, ChatBot!
hello .
How are you today?
fine .
How about to go out for dinner?
okay .
What do you want to eat?
i don't know .
well , i don't think so .
what ?
The coffee shop on the corner.
yes .
i was just wondering .
Wonder what?
i don't know .
Okay. YOu are a artist, right?
oh , no . . .
Anyway, see you tonight.
what ?
See you...
i know .
Okay... bye bye.
goodnight .
Please run this step on host
Prepare following files from TensorFlow:
- [myModel].data-00000-of-00001
- [myModel].index
- [myModel].meta
$ cd $CHATBOT_ROOT/src/tf_to_uff
$ python [myModel] [myModel].uff
Please run this step on device
Prepare following files in model directory:
- [database].pickle
- [myModel].uff
$ wget -P $CHATBOT_ROOT/src/
$ make
$ python model/[database].pickle model/[myModel].uff
Please run this step on host
We also share our training code for user reference.
Prepare following files from Cornell Movie Dialogs Corpus:
- movie_conversations.txt
- movie_lines.txt
$ cd $CHATBOT_ROOT/src/training
$ python
$ python
Please run this step on host
We also provide source to run TensorRT on x86-based Machine
Prepare following files:
- [myModel].data-00000-of-00001
- [myModel].index
- [myModel].meta
- [database].pickle
$ cd $CHATBOT_ROOT/src/tf_to_uff
$ python [myModel] [myModel].uff
$ python [database].pickle [myModel].uff