when develop slam based on 3D lidar, we often use imu to provide priori for matching algorithm(icp, ndt), so the transform between lidar and imu need to be calibrated.For matching algorithm, attitude in transfom is more important than position in transform, and position often be set to 0. So this repo concentrate on calibrate attitude component in transform between lidar and imu.
git clone https://github.com/koide3/ndt_omp.git
cd ndt_omp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
use rosbag tool record imu and lidar data
rosbag record /imu /lidar_points
config launch file
lidar_topic: 雷达数据话题名 imu_topic: imu数据话题名 bag_file: 记录的bag数据
roslaunch lidar_imu_calib calib_exR_lidar2imu.launch