Blogger is a full-stack application for creating, reading, editing, and managing blog posts. This project features two separate clients: a public client where users can view and comment on posts, and a private client for authenticated users to write, edit, and publish posts. The application is built with a monorepo structure using React, Node.js, and TypeScript, with TailwindCSS for styling.
- View all blog posts
- View all blog posts
- Filter posts by categories
- View individual post details with images
- Add and view comments
- Responsive design with TailwindCSS
- User authentication with JWT
- Create, edit, and delete blog posts
- Manage post status (published/unpublished)
- Rich text editor for creating posts with TinyMCE
- Image upload via drag-and-drop
- Edit and unpublish posts
- Pagination and sorting by title, date, and comments
Frontend: React, TypeScript, Vite, TailwindCSS, TinyMCE
Backend: Node.js, Express, Passport.js (for authentication)
Database: Prisma, PostgreSQL
Styling: TailwindCSS
Authentication: JWT
Other Tools: Turborepo (monorepo management)
Check out iconify for icons: or reacticons
npx kill-port 3000 to kill server if already in use
if private build not working: "build": "vite build",
script to remove js and d.ts from src:
- find src -name '*.js' -type f -delete
- find src -name '*.d.ts' -type f -delete
- cool random image generator
- logo + favicon
Clone the project
git clone
cd Blogger
Go to the project directory
cd Blogger
Install dependencies
npm install
Setup Environment Variables
Create .env files in the project root for both development and production environments:
These files should include variables like:
DATABASE_URL - PostgreSQL connection string
VITE_PUBLIC_CLIENT_URL - URL for the public client
VITE_PRIVATE_CLIENT_URL - URL for the private client
JWT_SECRET - Secret key for JWT tokens
Run Migrations Make sure Prisma is set up and run the database migrations:
npx prisma migrate dev
Start the server
npm run dev
The following scripts are available:
build – Generates Prisma client and compiles the TypeScript code.
start – Runs the production server.
dev – Starts the development server.
seed – Seeds the database with initial data.
lint – Runs ESLint for code quality.
lint:fix – Fixes ESLint issues automatically.
format – Formats code using Prettier.
├── apps/
│ ├── public-client/ # Public-facing React app
│ └── private-client/ # Private-facing React app for authenticated users
├── packages/
│ ├── shared-components/ # Shared React components
├── server/ # Node.js backend
│ └── src/
│ ├── auth/ # Authentication logic
│ ├── controllers/ # Controllers for handling requests
│ ├── routes/ # API routes
└── prisma/ # Prisma models and migrations
The application is deployed using Netlify for the frontend and Railway for the backend.
The public and private clients are deployed separately:
Public Client:
Private Client:
The server is deployed on Railway at the following URL:
✅ Set up restore terminal on public client and server, removed sql, and commented out private client + p-studio
✅ Set up github
✅ Set up simple server and create main dashboard
✅ Create simple db and set up prisma
✅ Created task ctrl+alt+f for npm run format
✅ Setup prisma db, create route, controller, and query for get and post posts
✅ Write seed file to query db for posts with starting data
✅ Connect server db to front end
✅ Create footer and header
✅ Create postcard for articles in dashboard and article pages
✅ Style HomePage and components
✅ Seed test data for dashboard
✅ Add post loading animation
✅ Create individual article pages
✅ Work on comments section components for article pages
✅ Create comment MVC that attaches comments to posts id
✅ Link sign up and login to redirect to the private client and logout redirects to public client
✅ Fix issue with redirecting to private client but not redirecting to public client
✅ Create auth and login/signup pages
✅ Allow users to sign up and log in
✅ Implement passport to authenticate users
✅ Use JWT for auth
✅ Create Post blog page
✅ Create all blogs page with pagination and sorting
✅ Validate front end login and signup form and showcase errors
✅ Validate back end signup form and showcase errors
✅ Add comments count to PostCard components
✅ Add TinyMCE editor to create blog
✅ slight problem directing to create blog page from public and also when publishing the articles
✅ Added cookies instead of local storage to ease transferring of local storage between public and private client
✅ Check out authorID in form for create blog post
✅ Fix post format html bug from TinyMCE editor
✅ Fix image upload bug, saved it from my server: http://localhost:3000/uploads/ Probably change that later
✅ Create edit and unpublish button after authenticating user and user id = author id
✅ Patch publish for a post
✅ Allow users to edit their own posts
✅ Create an all blogs page with user's own posts regardless of publish status
✅ Add publish button and try to combine it with unpublish
❌ Add animation to articles like slide in
❌ Add tags?
✅ update loading, error, and no post found states in article, blog, home pages
✅ deploy this bad boy to railway -server
✅ deploy front end to netlify
✅ Connect deployed front end to deployed server
✅ Work on fixing reload glitch issue
✅ Try to fix protected routes, we are able to switch between public and private client if we turn off protected routes
✅ Switch from cookies to local storage to store tokens since netlify doesn't support cookie sharing between different domains