Practice your pandas skills!
Lucid software paywalls' conversion rate and revenue
Location information about commuter activities is vital for planning for travel disruptions and infrastructural development. The Mobility Sensing Project aims to find innovative and novel ways to i…
Create a command line user interface which allows user to query data from stockcards data file. Understanding customer buying patterns, geographical distribution of transactions, stocks item analys…
An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python
Resources for Data Science Kick Starter Workshop at ODSC India 2019
Explore tips and tricks to deploy machine learning models with Docker.
Personal Fitbit data analysis using python-fitbit API
Abdul24 / crowdfunding_campaign_selection
Forked from mberrien-fitzsimons/crowdfunding_campaign_selectionPredicting campaign success on Kickstarter.
This is some starter / reference code for those interested in starting data science
My notes and codes (jupyter notebooks) for the "The Elements of Statistical Learning" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman
The Complete Python Course, published by Packt
Data quality control tool built on spark and deequ
A program designed to analyse a dataset and provide summary data regarding both categorical and continuous data in the form of a CSV file. The summary data includes means, medians, modes, cardinali…
Data Cleaning Libraries with Python
A brief guide and tutorial on how to clean data using pandas and Jupyter notebook
2nd place - Texas A&M 2020 Data Science Competition
A curated list of amazingly awesome Home Assistant resources.
Data cleaning and exploration in Pandas via Jupyter notebook
Abdul24 / bad-data-guide
Forked from Quartz/bad-data-guideAn exhaustive reference to problems seen in real-world data along with suggestions on how to resolve them.
MotionSense Dataset for Human Activity and Attribute Recognition ( time-series data generated by smartphone's sensors: accelerometer and gyroscope) (PMC Journal) (IoTDI'19)
Machine learning datasets used in tutorials on
Financial data analytics with Python
Curated list of project-based tutorials