CSE 201 - Advanced Programming Course Final Project at IIIT Delhi, Semester 3, Monsoon 2020
Color Switch is a single-player game where you just have to tap and pass through obstacles.
- Install JavaFx on your device in order to play this game and set lib link in Project Structure
- Set VM options too (if using on Linux) : --module-path \path\javafx-sdk-15.0.1\lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.media
- Clone this repository and run the main.java file
- Use the space bar to make the ball jump
- Follow colour coding to get through each obstacle
- Earn stars
- Timing and practice are key!!
- An opening splash screen with an innovative and creative self designed animation.
- New game option
- Play a saved game using the Resume button
- Keep a track of high scores.
- A consistent design maintained throughout (made from scratch).
- Make the ball bounce using the space bar on your device.
- Experience increase in speed and difficulty of obstacles as you go further in the game.
- Pause and save you game in between.
- See your game score in the points bar during the game
- Unlock more obstacles as you go further.
- Java 15.0.1
- JavaFx 11.0.2 --> for graphics