Implement DDA and Bresenham line drawing algorithms to draw:
- Simple line
- Dotted line
- Dashed line
- Solid line using mouse interface.
- Divide the screen into four quadrants with the center at (0, 0).
- The line should work for all slopes: +ve, -ve, >1, <1.
Implement Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm to draw any object. The object should be displayed in all quadrants with respect to the center and radius.
Implement the following polygon filling methods:
- Flood fill / Seed fill
- Boundary fill
- Use mouse click, keyboard interface, and menu-driven programming.
Implement Cohen-Sutherland polygon clipping method to clip the polygon with respect to the viewport and window.
- Use mouse click and keyboard interface.
Implement the following 2D transformations on the object with respect to the axis:
- Scaling
- Rotation about an arbitrary point
- Reflection
Generate fractal patterns using:
- Bezier curves
- Koch curve
Implement animation principles for any object.