Server: Netty
Framework: Jersey
Underlying Library: JAX-RS
POJOs to JSON and vice-versa: Jackson (Contains class which implements MessageBodyWriter) Accept the Class type as argumentd to bind to request body.
Project/Dependency management system: Gradle
REST API Application = Application Code + Jersey framework Jersey framework = JAX-RS (interfaces and annotations) + Implementation Classes
Jersey is the reference implementation of JAX-RS specification. JAX-RS is an specification (just a definition) and Jersey is a JAX-RS implementation.
Filter: used to modify the request and response params (headers, URIs) eg. SecurityFilter, LoggingFilter
Interceptor: used to manipulate entities (input and output streams) eg Gzip - to encode the body of message
MessageBodyReader : Payload to POJO MessageBodyWriter : POJO to Payload
The responses have links that control the application state of the client. HATEOAS stands for Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State. It means that hypertext should be used to find your way through the API.
Model Classes: Contains the Data
Service Classes: Manipulate the Data
Resource Classes: Call the service from Resource class.
POST is done on a collections URL. PUT is done on a instance URL.
@Context can be used to obtain contextual Java types related to the request or response. This annotation is used to inject information into a class field, bean property or method parameter.
Accept header maps to @Produces annotation Content-Type header maps to @Consumes annotation
Injecting parameters to member variables: @QueryParam("name") private String queryParam; @PathParam("path") private String pathParam; only works if you override getClasses() of Application class.
Using getSingletons() it will fail because: Singleton resources are instantiated during application startup. So, you cannot inject request-specific information to their member variables.
Jersey does conversion for string in URL to primitive data types. But we need to use Param Converters to convert data type to custom types. So, you need to implement ParamConverter and ParamConverterProvider for this. Jersey searches for some converter to convert from string to instance hence we need to implement ParamConverterProvider.
String -> ParamConverter -> Instance
They are used to modify the behaviour of your application at runtime.