Hodor is a simple solution to localize your iOS App quickly, allow you to change language of project in-app without quiting the app, Just like WeChat.
Made With ❤️ By The EST Group.
- PHPHub-iOS is the universal iPhone and iPad application for PHPHub.
- ESTMusicPlayer An elegant and simple iOS music player.
- ESTCollectionViewDropDownList A demo implementation of a drop down tag list view for iOS.
You can add more languages support in your app by create a new Localizations
row in Project.
Just like this:
Simple usage like this:
kLang(@"Hello World");
and it will display Hello World
in the English environment, 你好 世界
in the Simplified Chinese environment.
Check the code in Xcode if you want to know more details.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Hodor! Your ideas for improving this app are greatly appreciated. The best way to contribute is by submitting a pull request. I'll do my best to respond to you as soon as possible. You can also submit a new GitHub issue if you find bugs or have questions.
Copyright (c) 2015 Paul King
Released under the MIT license
Hodor 是一套可让你的应用快速支持本地化的解决方案, 允许你在应用内直接更改应用语言而无需退出应用, 类似微信.
开源自 The EST Group 团队.
- PHPHub-iOS PHPHub 官方 iOS 应用, 完美适配 iPhone 和 iPad.
- ESTMusicPlayer 一款优雅简洁的 iOS 音乐播放器.
- ESTCollectionViewDropDownList 一款类似虾米的 iOS 菜单筛选列表.
你可通过创建新的 Localizations
kLang(@"Hello World");
上述内容将会在英文环境下显示为 Hello World
, 中文环境下显示 你好 世界
打开 Xcode 查看此项目代码了解更多详细信息.
感谢您有兴趣参与 Hodor 的开发, 您可以在本地修改此项目, 经测试后无任何问题即可给我提交 Pull Request, 我会定期查看并 Merge, 若有其它问题, 可通过提交 issue 来让我知道.
Copyright (c) 2015 Paul King
使用 MIT 许可证 发行.