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- Anchor
- Solana CLI
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We recommend using pnpm
as a package manager (but you can of course use a package manager of your choice).
Docker is required to build using anchor. We highly recommend that you use the most up-to-date Docker version to avoid any issues with anchor builds.
and solana version 1.17.31
specifically to compile the build artifacts. Using higher Anchor and Solana versions can introduce unexpected issues during compilation. See the following issues in Anchor's repo: 1, 2. After compiling the correct build artifacts, you can change the Solana version to higher versions.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.17.31/install)"
Install and use the correct version
cargo install --git https://github.com/coral-xyz/anchor --tag v0.29.0 anchor-cli --locked
LZ_ENABLE_SOLANA_OFT_EXAMPLE=1 npx create-lz-oapp@latest
pnpm install
pnpm test
solana airdrop 5 -u devnet
We recommend that you request 5 devnet SOL, which should be sufficient for this walkthrough. For the example here, we will be using Solana Devnet. If you hit rate limits, you can also use the official Solana faucet.
cp .env.example .env
In the .env
just created, set SOLANA_PRIVATE_KEY
to your private key value in base58 format. Since the locally stored keypair is in an integer array format, we'd need to encode it into base58 first.
You can run the npx hardhat lz:solana:base-58
to output your private key in base58 format. Optionally, pass in a value for the --keypair-file
flag if you want to use the keypair other than the default at ~/.config/solana/id.json
value. Note that while the naming used here is TESTNET
, it refers to the Solana Devnet. We use TESTNET
to keep it consistent with the existing EVM testnets.
Create programId
keypair files by running:
solana-keygen new -o target/deploy/endpoint-keypair.json --force
solana-keygen new -o target/deploy/oft-keypair.json --force
anchor keys sync
flag overwrites the existing keys with the ones you generate.
anchor keys list
to view the generated programIds (public keys). The output should look something like this:
Copy the OFT's programId and go into lib.rs. Note the following snippet:
Replace 9UovNrJD8pQyBLheeHNayuG1wJSEAoxkmM14vw5gcsTT
with the programId that you have copied.
Ensure you have Docker running before running the build command.
anchor build -v # verification flag enabled
ℹ️ The majority of the SOL required to deploy your program will be for rent (specifically, for the minimum balance of SOL required for rent-exemption), which is calculated based on the amount of bytes the program or account uses. Programs typically require more rent than PDAs as more bytes are required to store the program's executable code.
In our case, the OFT Program's rent accounts for roughly 99% of the SOL needed during deployment, while the other accounts' rent, OFT Store, Mint, Mint Authority Multisig and Escrow make up for only a fraction of the SOL needed.
You can preview how much SOL would be needed for the program account. Note that the total SOL required would to be slightly higher than just this, to account for the other accounts that need to be created.
solana rent $(wc -c < target/verifiable/oft.so)
You should see an output such as
Rent-exempt minimum: 3.87415872 SOL
ℹ️ LayerZero's default deployment path for Solana OFTs require you to deploy your own OFT program as this means you own the Upgrade Authority and don't rely on LayerZero to manage that authority for you. Read this to understand more no why this is important.
solana program deploy --program-id target/deploy/oft-keypair.json target/verifiable/oft.so -u devnet
ℹ️ the -u
flag specifies the RPC URL that should be used. The options are mainnet-beta, devnet, testnet, localhost
, which also have their respective shorthands: -um, -ud, -ut, -ul
This section only applies if you are unable to land your deployment transaction due to network congestion.
ℹ️ Priority Fees are Solana's mechanism to allow transactions to be prioritized during periods of network congestion. When the network is busy, transactions without priority fees might never be processed. It is then necessary to include priority fees, or wait until the network is less congested. Priority fees are calculated as follows: priorityFee = compute budget * compute unit price
. We can make use of priority fees by attaching the --with-compute-unit-price
flag to our solana program deploy
command. Note that the flag takes in a value in micro lamports, where 1 micro lamport = 0.000001 lamport.
View instructions
Because building requires Solana CLI version `1.17.31`, but priority fees are only supported in version `1.18`, we will need to switch Solana CLI versions temporarily.sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.18.26/install)"
You can run refer QuickNode's Solana Priority Fee Tracker to know what value you'd need to pass into the --with-compute-unit-price
ℹ️ The average is calculated from getting the prioritization fees across recent blocks, but some blocks may have 0
as the prioritization fee. averageFeeExcludingZeros
ignores blocks with 0
prioritization fees.
Now let's rerun the deploy command, but with the compute unit price flag.
solana program deploy --program-id target/deploy/oft-keypair.json target/verifiable/oft.so -u devnet --with-compute-unit-price <COMPUTE_UNIT_PRICE_IN_MICRO_LAMPORTS>
and Anchor version 0.29.0
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL https://release.solana.com/v1.17.31/install)"
ℹ️ For OFT and OFT Mint-and-Burn Adapter, the SPL token's Mint Authority is set to the Mint Authority Multisig, which always has the OFT Store as a signer. The multisig is fixed to needing 1 of N signatures.
ℹ️ For OFT and OFT Mint-And-Burn Adapter, you have the option to specify additional signers through the --additional-minters
flag. If you choose not to, you must pass in --only-oft-store true
, which means only the OFT Store will be a signer for the _Mint Authority Multisig*.
, you will not be able to add in other signers/minters or update the Mint Authority, and the Freeze Authority will be immediately renounced. The token Mint Authority will be fixed Mint Authority Multisig address while the Freeze Authority will be set to None.
pnpm hardhat lz:oft:solana:create --eid 40168 --program-id <PROGRAM_ID>
flag to add a CSV of additional minter addresses to the Mint Authority Multisig. If you do not want to, you must specify --only-oft-store true
ℹ️ You can also specify --amount <AMOUNT>
to have the OFT minted to your deployer address upon token creation.
pnpm hardhat lz:oft-adapter:solana:create --eid 40168 --program-id <PROGRAM_ID> --mint <TOKEN_MINT> --token-program <TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID>
ℹ️ You can use OFT Adapter if you want to use an existing token on Solana. For OFT Adapter, tokens will be locked when sending to other chains and unlocked when receiving from other chains.
pnpm hardhat lz:oft:solana:create --eid 40168 --program-id <PROGRAM_ID> --mint <TOKEN_MINT> --token-program <TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID>
ℹ️ You can use OFT Mint-And-Burn Adapter if you want to use an existing token on Solana. For OFT Mint-And-Burn Adapter, tokens will be burned when sending to other chains and minted when receiving from other chains. Note that before attempting any cross-chain transfers, you must transfer the Mint Authority to the OFT Store address for lz_receive
to work, as that is not handled in the script. You cannot use this option if your token's Mint Authority has been renounced.
Update layerzero.config.ts
Make sure to update layerzero.config.ts and set solanaContract.address
with the oftStore
const solanaContract: OmniPointHardhat = {
eid: EndpointId.SOLANA_V2_TESTNET,
address: "", // <---TODO update this with the OFTStore address.
for the solana contract object. Do not specify addresses for the EVM chain contract objects. Under the hood, we use hardhat-deploy
to retrieve the contract addresses of the deployed EVM chain contracts. You will run into an error if you specify address
for an EVM chain contract object.
pnpm hardhat lz:deploy # follow the prompts
Note: If you are on testnet, consider using MyOFTMock
to allow test token minting. If you do use MyOFTMock
, make sure to update the sepoliaContract.contractName
in layerzero.config.ts to MyOFTMock
npx hardhat lz:oapp:init:solana --oapp-config layerzero.config.ts --solana-secret-key <SECRET_KEY> --solana-program-id <PROGRAM_ID>
should also be in base58 format.
npx hardhat lz:oapp:wire --oapp-config layerzero.config.ts --solana-secret-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --solana-program-id <PROGRAM_ID>
With a squads multisig, you can simply append the --multisigKey
flag to the end of the above command.
This is only relevant for OFT. If you opted to include the --amount
flag in the create step, that means you already have minted some Solana OFT and you can skip this section.
ℹ️ This is only possible if you specified your deployer address as part of the --additional-minters
flag when creating the Solana OFT. If you had chosen --only-oft-store true
, you will not be able to mint your OFT on Solana.
First, you need to create the Associated Token Account for your address.
spl-token create-account <TOKEN_MINT>
Then, you can mint. Remember this is in local decimals, so with local decimals of 9, you would need to pass in --amount 1000000000
to mint 1 OFT.
spl-token mint <TOKEN_MINT> <AMOUNT> --multisig-signer ~/.config/solana/id.json --owner <MINT_AUTHORITY>
ℹ️ ~/.config/solana/id.json
assumes that you will use the keypair in the default location. To verify if this path applies to you, run solana config get
and not the keypair path value.
ℹ️ You can get the <MINT_AUTHORITY>
address from deployments/solana-testnet/OFT.json.
Refer to Generating Execution Options to learn how to build the options param for send transactions.
Note that you will need to either enable enforcedOptions
in ./layerzero.config.ts or pass in a value for _options
when calling send()
. Having neither will cause a revert when calling send().
For Sepolia -> Solana, you should pass in the options value into the script at tasks/evm/send.ts as the value for sendParam.extraOptions
For Solana -> Sepolia, you should pass in the options value into the script at tasks/solana/sendOFT.ts as the value for options
for both in quote
and send
npx hardhat lz:oft:solana:send --amount <AMOUNT> --from-eid 40168 --to <TO> --to-eid 40161 --mint <MINT_ADDRESS> --program-id <PROGRAM_ID> --escrow <ESCROW>
npx hardhat --network sepolia-testnet send --dst-eid 40168 --amount <AMOUNT> --to <TO>
ℹ️ If you encounter an error such as No Contract deployed with name
, ensure that the tokenName
in the task defined in tasks/evm/send.ts
matches the deployed contract name.
If you are not happy with the deployer being a mint authority, you can create and set a new mint authority by running:
pnpm hardhat lz:oft:solana:setauthority --eid <SOLANA_EID> --mint <TOKEN_MINT> --program-id <PROGRAM_ID> --escrow <ESCROW> --additional-minters <MINTERS_CSV>
The OFTStore
is automatically added as a mint authority to the newly created mint authority, and does not need to be
included in the --additional-minters
"AnchorError occurred. Error Code: DeclaredProgramIdMismatch. Error Number: 4100. Error Message: The declared program id does not match the actual program id."
This is often caused by failing to manually update lib.rs with the updated program ID prior
to running solana program deploy...
There are known issues with downloading rust crates in older versions of docker. Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date docker version. The issue manifests similar to:
anchor build -v
Using image "backpackapp/build:v0.29.0"
Run docker image
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
Building endpoint manifest: "programs/endpoint-mock/Cargo.toml"
info: syncing channel updates for '1.75.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'
info: latest update on 2023-12-28, rust version 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21)
info: downloading component 'cargo'
info: downloading component 'clippy'
info: downloading component 'rust-docs'
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
info: downloading component 'rustc'
info: downloading component 'rustfmt'
info: installing component 'cargo'
info: installing component 'clippy'
info: installing component 'rust-docs'
info: installing component 'rust-std'
info: installing component 'rustc'
info: installing component 'rustfmt'
Updating crates.io index
Cleaning up the docker target directory
Removing the docker container
Error during Docker build: Failed to build program
Error: Failed to build program
Note: The error occurs after attempting to update crates.io index.
When sending tokens from Solana The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 32. Received 41
If you receive this error, it may be caused by an improperly configured executor address in your layerzero.config.ts
configuration file. The value for this address is not the programId from listed as LZ Executor
in the
deployed endpoints page.
Instead, this address is the Executor Config PDA. It can be derived using the following:
const executorProgramId = "6doghB248px58JSSwG4qejQ46kFMW4AMj7vzJnWZHNZn";
console.log(new ExecutorPDADeriver("executorProgramId").config());
The result is:
The full error message looks similar to below:
RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "offset" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 32. Received 41
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5)
at boundsError (node:internal/buffer:88:9)
at Buffer.readUInt32LE (node:internal/buffer:222:5)
at Object.read (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/beets/numbers.ts:51:16)
at Object.toFixedFromData (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/beets/collections.ts:142:23)
at fixBeetFromData (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/beet.fixable.ts:23:17)
at FixableBeetArgsStruct.toFixedFromData (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/struct.fixable.ts:85:40)
at fixBeetFromData (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/beet.fixable.ts:23:17)
at FixableBeetStruct.toFixedFromData (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/struct.fixable.ts:85:40)
at FixableBeetStruct.deserialize (/Users/user/go/src/github.com/paxosglobal/solana-programs-internal/paxos-lz-oft/node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/beet/src/struct.fixable.ts:59:17) {
Failed while deploying the Solana OFT Error: Account allocation failed: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds
This error is caused by the inability to confirm the transaction in time, or by running out of funds. This is not
specific to OFT deployment, but Solana programs in general. Fortunately, you can retry by recovering the program key and
re-running with --buffer
flag similar to the following:
solana-keygen recover -o recover.json
solana program deploy --buffer recover.json --upgrade-authority <pathToKey> --program-id <programId> target/verifiable/oft.so -u mainnet-beta
The outbound OApp DVN configuration violates a hard CPI size restriction, as you have included too many DVNs in the configuration (more than 3 for Solana outbound). As such, you will need to adjust the DVNs to comply with the CPI size restriction. The current CPI size restriction is 1280 bytes. The error message looks similar to the following:
SendTransactionError: Simulation failed.
Message: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: Program failed to complete.
"Program 2gFsaXeN9jngaKbQvZsLwxqfUrT2n4WRMraMpeL8NwZM invoke [1]",
"Program log: Instruction: Send",
"Program TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb invoke [2]",
"Program log: Instruction: Burn",
"Program TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb consumed 1143 of 472804 compute units",
"Program TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb success",
"Program 2gFsaXeN9jngaKbQvZsLwxqfUrT2n4WRMraMpeL8NwZM consumed 67401 of 500000 compute units",
"Program 2gFsaXeN9jngaKbQvZsLwxqfUrT2n4WRMraMpeL8NwZM failed: Instruction passed to inner instruction is too large (1388 > 1280)"
which allows more lenient CPI size restrictions, is not yet enabled in the current version of Solana devnet or mainnet.
solana feature status -u devnet --display-all
When sending tokens from Solana base64 encoded solana_sdk::transaction::versioned::VersionedTransaction too large: 1728 bytes (max: encoded/raw 1644/1232).
This error happens when sending for Solana outbound due to the transaction size exceeds the maximum hard limit. To alleviate this issue, consider using an Address Lookup Table (ALT) instruction in your transaction. Example ALTs for mainnet and testnet (devnet):
Stage | Address |
mainnet-beta | AokBxha6VMLLgf97B5VYHEtqztamWmYERBmmFvjuTzJB |
devnet | 9thqPdbR27A1yLWw2spwJLySemiGMXxPnEvfmXVk4KuK |
More info can be found in the Solana documentation.