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Planes of Tlessa - A gift from mr. Whiskers to you

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@AdamKyle AdamKyle released this 14 Dec 20:24
· 8 commits to master since this release

Planes of Tlessa 1.5.13

Welcome back everyone as I have some new updates related to performance and player feedback!

Let's jump in shall we?


Theres a known issue around exploration and reincaarnation where the game can silently crash because of the way we handle rewards for players. This has been greatly improved to be faster and slit the way we handle rewards into different "jobs" that individually get processed when a character defeats an enemy.

This doesn't just effect exploration it effects all aspects of fighting both manually and through exploration.

Battle Messages have been extended

Players have the ability to disable the following battle messages in their settings which also now includes the following:

  • XP per kill
  • XP per kill for exploration
  • Skill XP per kill (including total skill xp)
  • XP for Class masteries, Ranks and Specials
  • XP Fot when a character levels a faction loyalty fame level
  • Item Skill Kill Count (useful when you have an ancient item equipped that comes with a skill tree)
  • Faction Points Gained
  • Gold per kill including total gold gained
  • Gold Dust per kill (if the currency event is running or if the location you are fighting at drops Gold Dust) including total Gold Dust
  • Shards per kill (if the currency event is running or if the location you are fighting at drops Shards) including total Shards
  • Copper Coins per kill (If you have completed the appropriate quest to let you gain Copper Coins in either events or Purgatory) including total COpper Coins

By default these new settings are enabled and all messages will show in the Server Message tab. Player can turn these settings off if they wish not to see such messages.

Special Location Changes

  • The Gold Mines now allow players to explore and gain currencies this place drops, before to get additional currencies such as gold dust or shards you had to manually fight.
  • The Old Church now allow players to explore and gain currencies this place drops, before to get additional currencies such as gold dust or shards you had to manually fight.
  • Purgatory Smiths House now allow players to explore and gain currencies this place drops, before to get additional currencies such as gold dust or shards you had to manually fight.

Mr Whiskers is dropping items for The Winter Event

Head down to the Ice Plane and kill any creature, either through manual or exploration and have a chance (35%) to get a randomly generated item, could be a set peice, could be a regular item, could have one enchant could have two. Those enchants could be normal (up to level 400), Unique, Mythical or even Cosmic!

You do not want to miss out on this, so make sure you get your item while you can!

For exploration this happens once per group of enemies, as players know you can fight between 10 and 25 creatures every 2 minutes. After each group fight, you have a 35% chance to get a gift from mr whiskers.

For manual fighting, this happens after each fight, as you only fight one creature at a time.