rmdir & rm -d
command is for removing empty directories
rm -r
for deletes non-empty directories
For example,
set PROMPT=$E[1;37m[user@machine:$E[1;35m$P ]$$ $E[1;37m
The format for the colors is:
With m always following the color number. bold_or_not = 0 or 1. Here's a guide for the colors:
No | Attributes |
0 | Turn Off Attributes |
1 | High Intensity |
2 | Normal Intensity |
4 | Underline (mono only) |
5 | Blink |
7 | Reverse Video |
8 | Invisible |
30 | Black |
31 | Red |
32 | Green |
33 | Yellow |
34 | Blue |
35 | Magenta |
36 | Cyan |
37 | White |
40 | Black |
41 | Red |
42 | Green |
43 | Yellow |
44 | Blue |
45 | Magenta |
46 | Cyan |
47 | White |