For more details, check the following blog post on
- The Azure CLI version 2.2.0 or later
Executing ./scripts/ script will automatically provision the following resources using variables that you define in ./scripts/
- Networking
- Create the Users Vnet and subnet
- Create the AKS Vnet and subnet
- Create peering between both Vnets
- Create AKS Private Cluster
- Configure Private DNS Link tUsers Vnet
- Enable jumbox to resolve API Server's Private Endpoint IP
- Jumbox VM
- Create a subnet for the VM in the Users Vnet
- Create the Linux Jumpbox VM
- SSH to the VM
When the cluster and its supporting resources are created, you will automatically SSH to the jumbox using your SSH Key
- install AZ CLI
Follow these instructions to install AZ CLI on the jumpbox
- Install Kubectl
sudo az aks install-cli
- Configure Connection to the API server
az aks get-credentials -g <aks-rg> -n <cluster-name>
- check the connection
kubectl get nodes
The following example output shows the single node created in the previous steps. Make sure that the status of the node is Ready:
aks-nodepool1-31718369-0 Ready agent 6m44s v1.16.7