Prebuilt image: images/firmware.uf2
from excprinter import get_callstack, get_current_callstack
except Exception as e:
get_callstack = lambda e : []
get_current_callstack = lambda: []
def get_exception_info(self, e):
return "exception: " + str(type(e)) + "(" + str(e) + "), exception callstack: " + str(get_callstack(e)) + ", catch callstack: " + str(get_current_callstack())
example output:
[' __init__', ' __init__', ' <module>']
except Exception as e:
example output:
exception: <class 'NameError'>(name 'fail' isn't defined), exception callstack: [' __init__', ' __init__'], catch callstack: [' get_exception_info', ' send', ' send_status', ' __init__', '<stdin>:12 <module>']
We add "MICROPY_PY_SYS_SETTRACE" to rpi pico w configuration. This will increase memory usage. This is done via ""
Then we use a separate module "userlibs/excprinter/" to provide functions to extract both current callstack and exception callback. If current callstack is not needed then the SETTRACE is not useful either.
Init environment:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Build via docker
And result will be a "firmware.uf2" for raspberry pi pico W in the main folder.
That image is the official micropython with "MICROPY_PY_SYS_SETTRACE" enabled and "userlibs/excprinter/" module built in.
This is used by: