We had three options to choose from in regards of recreating an original website. I decided to choose TTS website since I am under this online course program.
Tech Talent South (TTS0 have three main pages(tabs) with two of them having multiple subpages. I decided to do the home page and the about page. The home page had a lot of unique layouts I wanted to recripcate but since I had only a short time limit I design the about page which was fairly short and more simple. I had to use different methods using Bootstrap and its tools.
Visual Studio Code and Bootstrap
I learned that Bootstrap makes web development more quick and efficient, especially if I am under time. Also, I learn that I can extract certain sources such as images and/or videos from the actual site: inspect/dev tools, click on the link, and hit save. Further more, I realized that you must put position: absolute, fixed, relative, etc, at the top of the list under the element in css> If you dont then moving an element will be a challenge to do.
- Flexbox
- How to use manipulate an already made boostrap element. Example, I struggled with making space in b/w elements smaller in the footer.
- An unexpected challenge that I had was trying to make the social media icons appear in the footer
- Making sure when I make changes on pages that share the same elements, such as, the nav bar and footer, to make sure tags are closed appropriatly. Because it can cause a disturbance to the layout.
- In past projects I used a lot of margins/paddings to move elements. Now I try to use more positions and flexbox methods
- Manipulating boostrap elements to be more custom to a website I create.