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This tool extracts cached data from your Roblox installation by looking at the headers of cached files.
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
No, it is opening files that your client has already created. You can see them yourself in %Temp%\Roblox
No, this is not malware, similar to other Free and Open Source Software, the code is available for everyone to see. It would be impossible for us to hide malware in here. The builds are also safe as the builds are now created by GitHub actions meaning everything is fully transparent. If you still don't trust this software, you can use the web demo at https://aeen123.github.io/Roblox-assets-extractor/demo (you don't need to download anything for that)
If Windows detects a program from an unverified publisher, this popup will appear. If this popup does appear, click "More info" and click "Run anyway".
No, unlike cheats, this does not inject into roblox. Making this an anti-cheat friendly way of extracting assets.
Some media players may not support the format that the file is in. If that is the case, please try another media player that supports all of the formats this supports, e.g VLC. If the file is really broken, please create an issue.
Technically it should, but most image viewers don't support KTX files, so it is best to move this aside to a different tab to avoid compatability issues, this tab should be used for more advanced users.
Roblox Studio doesn't have support for cached RBXM files. These files may contain data from games, but we haven't looked into it yet.
Your Roblox cache itself does take up storage overtime, this tool itself does not add any storage use overtime unless you are extracting many files overtime, which you can delete easily.
You can see multiple tabs. Roblox Assets Extractor catagorises the files into multiple catagories. You can filter them by clicking on the tab.
Each item in the toolbar allows you to do different operations with the directory or the asset, you can also access the toolbar as a context menu by right clicking. You can disable the toolbar at the top of the screen in the settings, Enable toolbar under the Behaviour section.
The program is designed to be easy to use with a mouse but also allow for keyboard navigation and shortcuts for more advanced users, the shortcuts are shown on the buttons to show how you can access them quickly.
You can cycle through the tabs with Alt (or ctrl) + 1-8 allowing you to navigate between tabs only using the keyboard, you can select assets with tab and confirm with enter.
In the settings menu you will find general customization options as well as actions to do with your roblox cache. Here you can extract all of your roblox cache, change the directory or clear the cache.
CLI is work-in-progress. See CLI.md
The program only comes portable on Windows for now, this may change in the future
Installing for Linux varies for each distro. We hope we can eventually create a flatpak for universal installation. We would greatly welcome a pull request for a flatpak.
You can install on Arch Linux by using the PKGBUILD located in packages/arch
An example installation script:
mkdir /tmp/Roblox-assets-extractor
cd /tmp/Roblox-assets-extractor
wget raw.githubusercontent.com/AeEn123/Roblox-assets-extractor/refs/heads/main/packages/arch/PKGBUILD
makepkg -si
Other distros will hopefully be supported soon. If you know how to make one and want it merged in this project, create a pull request!
The development builds can be downloaded from the releases page.
If you already have the latest development build of Roblox Assets Extractor installed, you can enable development builds in settings
This is my first project written in rust/egui so bugs may appear, in the circumstance that a bug does appear, report an issue and use the legacy python version if the bug makes it unusable.
This tool is designed for Windows and GNU/Linux and may not work on other operating systems.
If file listing is too slow, you can clear your cache with the clear cache button in the settings. Also, turning off Windows Defender will speed up file listing, as it scans every time a file is opened.
Building from source requires cargo, which can be installed from rustup.
git clone https://github.com/AeEn123/Roblox-assets-extractor
cd Roblox-assets-extractor
If you want a finished build which runs fast but compiles slowly (recommended for normal use)
cargo build --release
If you want a development build which runs slowly but compiles fast (recommended for development)
cargo build
Wait for it to build all the dependencies and the application. After that you should find it in the target
See python.md