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haskell: make grammar readable as reference, misc
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Split user functions and macros, merge user functions and core functions.

Add a flag triggering debugging info in EVAL.

Reserve mutable environments for REPL and let*.
Move env type declaration from Types to Env.
Check let* arguments only once.

Share more code between map constructions and key type checks.

Stop copying metadata when evaluating collections.

The strict variant of Data.Map.Strict is recommended for general use.

simplify printer.
  • Loading branch information
asarhaddon authored and kanaka committed Jul 11, 2021
1 parent 003947b commit c9c504a
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Showing 15 changed files with 819 additions and 732 deletions.
142 changes: 75 additions & 67 deletions impls/haskell/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ where
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
Expand All @@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ throw _ = throwStr "illegal arguments to throw"

-- Unary predicates

pred1 :: (MalVal -> Bool) -> Fn
pred1 hostPred [x] = return $ MalBoolean $ hostPred x
pred1 _ _ = throwStr "illegal call to unary predicate"
pred1 :: String -> (MalVal -> Bool) -> (String, Fn)
pred1 name op = (name, fn) where
fn :: Fn
fn [a] = return $ MalBoolean $ op a
fn _ = throwStr $ "illegal arguments to " ++ name

atom_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
atom_Q (MalAtom _ _) = True
Expand All @@ -42,20 +44,20 @@ false_Q (MalBoolean False) = True
false_Q _ = False

fn_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
fn_Q (MalFunction {macro=False}) = True
fn_Q _ = False
fn_Q (MalFunction _ _) = True
fn_Q _ = False

macro_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
macro_Q (MalFunction {macro=True}) = True
macro_Q _ = False
macro_Q (MalMacro _) = True
macro_Q _ = False

map_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
map_Q (MalHashMap _ _) = True
map_Q _ = False

keyword_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
keyword_Q (MalString (c : _)) = c == keywordMagic
keyword_Q _ = False
keyword_Q (MalKeyword _) = True
keyword_Q _ = False

list_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
list_Q (MalSeq _ (Vect False) _) = True
Expand All @@ -70,9 +72,8 @@ number_Q (MalNumber _) = True
number_Q _ = False

string_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
string_Q (MalString "") = True
string_Q (MalString (c : _)) = c /= keywordMagic
string_Q _ = False
string_Q (MalString _) = True
string_Q _ = False

symbol_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
symbol_Q (MalSymbol _) = True
Expand All @@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ symbol [MalString s] = return $ MalSymbol s
symbol _ = throwStr "symbol called with non-string"

keyword :: Fn
keyword [kw@(MalString (c : _))] | c == keywordMagic = return kw
keyword [MalString s] = return $ MalString (keywordMagic : s)
keyword [kw@(MalKeyword _)] = return kw
keyword [MalString s] = return $ MalKeyword s
keyword _ = throwStr "keyword called with non-string"

-- String functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,13 +136,17 @@ read_string _ = throwStr "invalid read-string"

-- Numeric functions

num_op :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Fn
num_op op [MalNumber a, MalNumber b] = return $ MalNumber $ op a b
num_op _ _ = throwStr "illegal arguments to number operation"
num_op :: String -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (String, Fn)
num_op name op = (name, fn) where
fn :: Fn
fn [MalNumber a, MalNumber b] = return $ MalNumber $ op a b
fn _ = throwStr $ "illegal arguments to " ++ name

cmp_op :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Fn
cmp_op op [MalNumber a, MalNumber b] = return $ MalBoolean $ op a b
cmp_op _ _ = throwStr "illegal arguments to comparison operation"
cmp_op :: String -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> (String, Fn)
cmp_op name op = (name, fn) where
fn :: Fn
fn [MalNumber a, MalNumber b] = return $ MalBoolean $ op a b
fn _ = throwStr $ "illegal arguments to " ++ name

time_ms :: Fn
time_ms [] = MalNumber . round . (* 1000) <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime
Expand All @@ -161,41 +166,44 @@ vector = return . MalSeq (MetaData Nil) (Vect True)
-- Hash Map functions

hash_map :: Fn
hash_map kvs =
case keyValuePairs kvs of
Just pairs -> return $ MalHashMap (MetaData Nil) $ Map.fromList pairs
hash_map kvs = case kv2map Map.empty kvs of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> throwStr "invalid call to hash-map"

assoc :: Fn
assoc (MalHashMap _ hm : kvs) =
case keyValuePairs kvs of
Just pairs -> return $ MalHashMap (MetaData Nil) $ Map.union (Map.fromList pairs) hm
assoc (MalHashMap _ hm : kvs) = case kv2map hm kvs of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> throwStr "invalid assoc"
assoc _ = throwStr "invalid call to assoc"

remover :: Map.Map String MalVal -> MalVal -> IOThrows (Map.Map String MalVal)
remover m (MalString k) = return $ Map.delete k m
remover _ _ = throwStr "invalid dissoc"
remover acc key = case encodeKey key of
Nothing -> throwStr "invalid dissoc"
Just encoded -> return $ Map.delete encoded acc

dissoc :: Fn
dissoc (MalHashMap _ hm : ks) = MalHashMap (MetaData Nil) <$> foldlM remover hm ks
dissoc _ = throwStr "invalid call to dissoc"

get :: Fn
get [MalHashMap _ hm, MalString k] =
case Map.lookup k hm of
get [MalHashMap _ hm, k] = case encodeKey k of
Nothing -> throwStr "invalid call to get"
Just key -> case Map.lookup key hm of
Just mv -> return mv
Nothing -> return Nil
get [Nil, MalString _] = return Nil
get _ = throwStr "invalid call to get"

contains_Q :: Fn
contains_Q [MalHashMap _ hm, MalString k] = return $ MalBoolean $ Map.member k hm
contains_Q [Nil, MalString _] = return $ MalBoolean False
contains_Q [MalHashMap _ hm, k] = case encodeKey k of
Just key -> return $ MalBoolean $ Map.member key hm
Nothing -> throwStr "invalid call to contains?"
contains_Q [Nil, MalString _] = return $ MalBoolean False
contains_Q [Nil, MalSymbol _] = return $ MalBoolean False
contains_Q _ = throwStr "invalid call to contains?"

keys :: Fn
keys [MalHashMap _ hm] = return $ toList $ MalString <$> Map.keys hm
keys [MalHashMap _ hm] = return $ toList $ decodeKey <$> Map.keys hm
keys _ = throwStr "invalid call to keys"

vals :: Fn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,10 +253,10 @@ rest [MalSeq _ _ [] ] = return $ toList []
rest [MalSeq _ _ (_ : xs)] = return $ toList xs
rest _ = throwStr "illegal call to rest"

empty_Q :: MalVal -> Bool
empty_Q Nil = True
empty_Q (MalSeq _ _ []) = True
empty_Q _ = False
empty_Q :: Fn
empty_Q [Nil] = return $ MalBoolean True
empty_Q [MalSeq _ _ xs] = return $ MalBoolean $ xs == []
empty_Q _ = throwStr "illegal call to empty?"

count :: Fn
count [Nil ] = return $ MalNumber 0
Expand All @@ -261,11 +269,11 @@ concatLast (a : as) = (a :) <$> concatLast as
concatLast _ = throwStr "last argument of apply must be a sequence"

apply :: Fn
apply (MalFunction {fn=f} : xs) = f =<< concatLast xs
apply (MalFunction _ f : xs) = f =<< concatLast xs
apply _ = throwStr "Illegal call to apply"

do_map :: Fn
do_map [MalFunction {fn=f}, MalSeq _ _ args] = toList <$> mapM (\x -> f [x]) args
do_map [MalFunction _ f, MalSeq _ _ args] = toList <$> mapM (\x -> f [x]) args
do_map _ = throwStr "Illegal call to map"

conj :: Fn
Expand All @@ -287,14 +295,14 @@ with_meta :: Fn
with_meta [MalSeq _ v x, m] = return $ MalSeq (MetaData m) v x
with_meta [MalHashMap _ x, m] = return $ MalHashMap (MetaData m) x
with_meta [MalAtom _ x, m] = return $ MalAtom (MetaData m) x
with_meta [f@(MalFunction {}), m] = return $ f {meta=m}
with_meta [MalFunction _ f, m] = return $ MalFunction (MetaData m) f
with_meta _ = throwStr "invalid with-meta call"

do_meta :: Fn
do_meta [MalSeq (MetaData m) _ _ ] = return m
do_meta [MalHashMap (MetaData m) _] = return m
do_meta [MalAtom (MetaData m) _ ] = return m
do_meta [MalFunction {meta=m} ] = return m
do_meta [MalFunction (MetaData m) _] = return m
do_meta _ = throwStr "invalid meta call"

-- Atom functions
Expand All @@ -309,12 +317,12 @@ deref _ = throwStr "invalid deref call"

reset_BANG :: Fn
reset_BANG [MalAtom _ ref, val] = do
liftIO $ writeIORef ref $ val
liftIO $ writeIORef ref val
return val
reset_BANG _ = throwStr "invalid reset!"

swap_BANG :: Fn
swap_BANG (MalAtom _ ref : MalFunction {fn=f} : args) = do
swap_BANG (MalAtom _ ref : MalFunction _ f : args) = do
val <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
new_val <- f (val : args)
liftIO $ writeIORef ref new_val
Expand All @@ -325,17 +333,17 @@ ns :: [(String, Fn)]
ns = [
("=", equal_Q),
("throw", throw),
("nil?", pred1 nil_Q),
("true?", pred1 true_Q),
("false?", pred1 false_Q),
("string?", pred1 string_Q),
(pred1 "nil?" nil_Q),
(pred1 "true?" true_Q),
(pred1 "false?" false_Q),
(pred1 "string?" string_Q),
("symbol", symbol),
("symbol?", pred1 symbol_Q),
(pred1 "symbol?" symbol_Q),
("keyword", keyword),
("keyword?", pred1 keyword_Q),
("number?", pred1 number_Q),
("fn?", pred1 fn_Q),
("macro?", pred1 macro_Q),
(pred1 "keyword?" keyword_Q),
(pred1 "number?" number_Q),
(pred1 "fn?" fn_Q),
(pred1 "macro?" macro_Q),

("pr-str", pr_str),
("str", str),
Expand All @@ -345,37 +353,37 @@ ns = [
("read-string", read_string),
("slurp", slurp),

("<", cmp_op (<)),
("<=", cmp_op (<=)),
(">", cmp_op (>)),
(">=", cmp_op (>=)),
("+", num_op (+)),
("-", num_op (-)),
("*", num_op (*)),
("/", num_op (div)),
(cmp_op "<" (<)),
(cmp_op "<=" (<=)),
(cmp_op ">" (>)),
(cmp_op ">=" (>=)),
(num_op "+" (+)),
(num_op "-" (-)),
(num_op "*" (*)),
(num_op "/" div),
("time-ms", time_ms),

("list", list),
("list?", pred1 list_Q),
(pred1 "list?" list_Q),
("vector", vector),
("vector?", pred1 vector_Q),
(pred1 "vector?" vector_Q),
("hash-map", hash_map),
("map?", pred1 map_Q),
(pred1 "map?" map_Q),
("assoc", assoc),
("dissoc", dissoc),
("get", get),
("contains?", contains_Q),
("keys", keys),
("vals", vals),

("sequential?", pred1 sequential_Q),
(pred1 "sequential?" sequential_Q),
("cons", cons),
("concat", do_concat),
("vec", vec),
("nth", nth),
("first", first),
("rest", rest),
("empty?", pred1 empty_Q),
("empty?", empty_Q),
("count", count),
("apply", apply),
("map", do_map),
Expand All @@ -386,7 +394,7 @@ ns = [
("with-meta", with_meta),
("meta", do_meta),
("atom", atom),
("atom?", pred1 atom_Q),
(pred1 "atom?" atom_Q),
("deref", deref),
("reset!", reset_BANG),
("swap!", swap_BANG)]
72 changes: 48 additions & 24 deletions impls/haskell/Env.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,60 @@
module Env
( Env, env_new, env_bind, env_get, env_set )
( Env, env_apply, env_get, env_let, env_put, env_repl, env_set )

import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import Printer (_pr_str)
import Types

-- The Env type si defined in Types module to avoid dep cycle.
data Binds = Variable (IORef (Map.Map String MalVal))
| Constant (Map.Map String MalVal)

env_new :: Env -> IO Env
env_new outer = (: outer) <$> newIORef (Map.fromList [])
type Env = [Binds]

-- True means that the actual arguments match the signature.
env_bind :: Env -> [String] -> [MalVal] -> IO Bool
env_bind env (k : ks) (v : vs) | k /= "&" = do
env_set env k v
env_bind env ks vs
env_bind env ["&", k] vs = do
env_set env k $ toList vs
return True
env_bind _ [] [] = return True
env_bind _ _ _ = return False
env_repl :: IO Env
env_repl = (: []) . Variable <$> newIORef Map.empty

env_let :: Env -> IO Env
env_let outer = (: outer) . Variable <$> newIORef Map.empty

-- catch* should also use this
env_apply :: Env -> [MalVal] -> [MalVal] -> Maybe (Env)
env_apply outer keys values = (: outer) . Constant <$> bind keys values Map.empty

bind :: [MalVal] -> [MalVal] -> Map.Map String MalVal -> Maybe (Map.Map String MalVal)
bind [MalSymbol "&", (MalSymbol k)] vs m = Just $ Map.insert k (toList vs) m
bind (MalSymbol k : ks) (v : vs) m = Map.insert k v <$> bind ks vs m
bind [] [] m = Just m
bind _ _ _ = Nothing

env_get :: Env -> String -> IO (Maybe MalVal)
env_get [] _ = return Nothing
env_get (ref : outer) key = do
hm <- readIORef ref
case Map.lookup key hm of
Nothing -> env_get outer key
justVal -> return justVal
env_get env key = loop env where
loop :: Env -> IO (Maybe MalVal)
loop [] = return Nothing
loop (Constant m : outer) = case Map.lookup key m of
Nothing -> loop outer
justVal -> return justVal
loop (Variable ref : outer) = do
m <- readIORef ref
case Map.lookup key m of
Nothing -> loop outer
justVal -> return justVal

-- def! and let*
env_set :: Env -> String -> MalVal -> IO ()
env_set (ref : _) key val = modifyIORef ref $ Map.insert key val
env_set [] _ _ = error "assertion failed in env_set"
env_set (Variable ref : _) key value = modifyIORef ref $ Map.insert key value
env_set _ _ _ = error "assertion failed in env.env_set"

put1 :: (String, MalVal) -> IO ()
put1 (key, value) = do
putChar ' '
putStr key
putChar ':'
putStr =<< _pr_str True value

env_put :: Env -> IO ()
env_put [] = error "assertion failed in Env.env_format"
env_put (Variable ref : _) = mapM_ put1 =<< Map.assocs <$> readIORef ref
env_put (Constant m : _) = mapM_ put1 $ Map.assocs m

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