Gameboy Color emulator written in C++/SDL2
- Plays most original GB games (Basic, MBC1, MBC5)
- CPU completely implemented
- Interrupts and timers are now working
- Almost fully working PPU
- Fully functional memory handler
- Theoretically cross platform
- MBC3 Cart Type
- Add color palletes to GPU
- Make a platform independent game chooser (right now, only windows)
- Check if interrupts are 100% correct
- GBC specific functions
- Second VRAM
- PPU Color palletes
- Audio
- Kirby's Dreamland
- Link's Awakening
- Tetris
- Pokemon Green/Blue/Red
- Donkey Kong
- Error in the pre-game cinematic (background messed up)
- Pokemon Yellow
- No color palletes/GBC specific memory implemented