I am Mentor Google Developers Students Club - Benha University | Intern Android Development, Egypt FWD | Udacity | Android Developement Intern at The Sparks Foundation | Android Developement Intern Associate Android Developer at Andela | Android Developement Intern at BambooGeeks | Former member of the scientific committee at IEEE BUB SB | Innovegypt program training at itida
Hi, I’m Ahmed Hosny, a Android Developer Software Engineer. I’d love to combine my passion for learning and teaching with my software development skills to continue creating products. I have developed my communication skills and am well prepared to work on high-profile, also I’m always looking to contribute, learn, and build robust solutions in my career. Languages (C++, Kotlin, Java). Frameworks and libraries (Material Design, Navigation Component, View Binding, Data Binding, Android architecture patterns(MVVM), Rest API (Retrofit), Room Database, SQLite, Kotlin Coroutines, Unit testing. Computer Science Fundamentals (OOP, Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem Solving, Database, MySQL, GitHub, Git, Agile, Jira Software)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Android Deveopment and getting knowledge about Software Enginnering.
- 📄 Know about my experiences Resume
- 💬 Ask me about: C++, Data Structure, Algorithms, OOP, Java, Kotlin, XML, Android, Database, Version Control, Team Management.
- I am working on my YOUTUBE channel AhmedHosny.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to play chess and listen music.
- 📫 How to reach me: follow me from the footer links below 👇