- Qtile
- Picom
- Rofi
- xfce4-power-manager
- xfce4-screensaver
- brightnessctl
- redshift
- notify-send-py
- xorg-xrandr
- Dolphin
- qt5-gsettings
- lxappearance
- konsole
- blueman
- xorg-setxkbmap
Arch users
yay -S qtile rofi xbacklight xorg-xrandr notify-send-py redshift deadd-notification-center-git qt5-gsettings lxappearance konsole xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screensaver blueman xorg-setxkbmap picom-git ark dolphin ffmpegthumbs
In 'config.py' import the bar you want and replace it in the Screen
from my_bar import my_bar as screen1_bar
Only with 'my_bar.py' In 'colors.py' change 'style' to whatever you want
style = nord_dark
in keys.py change
ROFI_THEME = 'rofi-nord'