Arch users
yay -S i3-gaps bumblebee-status rofi dunst nitrogen qt5-gsettings lxappearance konsole xfce4-power-manager blueman xorg-setxkbmap picom-ibhagwan-git ark dolphin
- i3-gaps -> i3 wm with gaps in between opened apps
- bumblebee-status -> bar for i3 - ""
- rofi -> window switcher, application launcher. I'd recommend reading and learning about it - ""
- dunst -> notification daemon - ""
- nitrogen -> to select a wallpaper
- qt5-gsettings -> to configure QT application, themes, and styles
- lxappearance -> to configure GTK application, themes, and styles
- Konsole -> Terminal. you can use anything you want, but for me I like Konsole. [KDE application]
- xfce4-power-manager -> Power Manager. You need it for battery and sleep configurations and management
- blueman -> Bluetooth manager
- xorg-setxkbmap -> to change language layouts
- picom-ibhagwan-git -> X compositor with blurring and rounded corners features
- ark -> QT Archiving Tool [KDE application]
- dolphin -> File manager [KDE application]. You can use any file manager but I like using KDE Applications as they are easy configurable