I am currently a third-year Computer Engineering student at UC, San Diego, California, United State.
I am currently working as a research intern in Wireless Communication, Sensing and Networking Group under the instruction of professor Dinesh Bharadia. I am working on autonomous vehicle sensoring and system development. Check out some cool projects we have WCSNG!
My Project Group -- Forge Tech
In 2022 I founded my project group Forge Tech which is now focusing on developing mobile applications. Our current application under development is Forge Career. Forge Career enable users to manage their job applications easily and can update the job application status and see statistics using this applicaiton.
I am graduating in Spring 2023.
I am actively looking for full-time or internship job opportunities for Summer 2023. I had software development experience and research experience in autonomous vehicles.
Please contact me if you are interested in hiring software development engineers!
Checkout my Resume!
Connect me on LinkedIn!
You can also check out my website(under construction). https://aidenhuang01.github.io/
Feel free to send me an email via yuh032[at]ucsd.edu for any job oppotunity or just for random chat. 😄