The Cryptocurrency Mass Adoption Ecosystem
Innovative Features Airwire’s platform allows anyone to transmit cryptocurrency directly and securely through text, email, QR code, social media, or custom links, utilizing our Patent Pending technology.
Advanced Growth Companies or individuals can create Earn Opportunities by deploying enhanced, auto verified, tasks inside AirWire’s EARN portal for our entire ecosystem to complete. Grow your network!
Enhanced Advertising Traditional advertising is obsolete with AirWire’s Advertising portal. Companies gain efficiency by offering rewards to users who accept and watch 100% of the commercial before the reward can be claimed.
Community Marketplace A fully developed marketplace that allows transactions to occur in WIRE tokens or any other cryptocurrency integrated into AirWire’s platform.
We have fixed a number of issues with the Wire Wallet causing it to Fork and also to crash repeatedly. The wallets have been updated sufficiently to ensure everyone will be able to swap to the new ERC20 Token by moving their Wire into their Wallets.
All three formats are available including a Snapshot to bring your wallets onto the right chain and within a few days of current blocktime.