- README.md: This file
- setup.sh A script for setting the environmental variables. Run source setup.sh at root directory.
- src DIR All of the code
- data DIR All of the data
- README.md: A markdown file explaining how to use the student_adaptive_server
- active_labelling_server
- student_adaptive_server
- config.yaml
- notebooks: Yoav's developing code, in ipython notebook format
- python: Yoav's stable code
- piazza
- webwork
- ProcessLogs.py: input= log file directory output= ProcessedLogs.pkl
- ProcessingErrors.txt: lines that failed to parse in the log files.
- ParsingPGfiles.py: Translate a directory with PG files into a pickle file (problemTexts.pkl) which contains the text preceding each answer block.
- PlotTiming.py : Generates scatter plots of attempt times for a user and an Assignment.
- BehaviourAnalysis.py: for each user and problem Compute the number of attempts, total time and whether or not the correct answer was found, as well as all of the attempts themselves. input=ProcessedLogs.pkl, output=BehavioralStatistics.pkl
- reportStruggles.py Find problems on which many students had a hard time, and generate the data combining the PG information and the answer attempts.
- OutputFiles: Human readable files generated by the analysis scripts, includes files that are edited by the instructor to add hints in response to student struggles
- PickleFiles: Machine readable tables, the wrangled version of the input source files.
- assignment3_analysis
- course_webwork_data : The webwork problem source files (.def and .pg files)
- cse103_original_data/WebWork/logs : The logs data resides here
- dependency_diagram.svg
- notable_session_plots.html
- notable_session_plots.md
- problem_3_1_analysis
- session_attempt_times
- student_adaptive_server
- webwork_data_description.html
- webwork_data_description.md