Scrapping the movie review ✏️ using python programming language💻.
For new data generation Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project we have writtern a python script to fetch📊, data from the 💻, imdb website and converted into txt files.
💻 replication process is done over here and for further analysis creation of new data is required.
- The following script includes the following.
- Script to scrap the data from imdb websiterename_files.ipynb
- Script to rename the scrapped text files as per the requirementsconvert_texts_to_csv.ipynb
- Python script to make a CSV file from the txt files for SVM processing
install Beautifulsoup using pip install beautifulsoup4
1️⃣ Fork the Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project/
Follow these instructions on how to fork a repository
2️⃣ Cloning the repository
Once you have set up your fork of the /Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project
repository, you'll want to clone it to your local machine. This is so you can make and test all of your personal edits before adding it to the master version of /Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project
Navigate to the location on your computer where you want to host your code. Once in the appropriate folder, run the following command to clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone [email protected]:your-username/sanjay-kv/Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project.git.git
1️⃣ Here is the Link to Final Dataset: Drive Link