This project is intended for IIT Kanpur students to book their appointments online. The app is user-friendly, allowing them to choose slots and specific doctors for their health-related issues. On the other hand, doctors are immediately notified of new appointments.
- Students can easily send requests to doctors for appointments.
- Students can choose their desired slots and specific doctors.
- Once an appointment is requested, the process cannot be reverted as doctors get notified immediately.
- Doctors can accept or reject the received requests.
- Doctors must upload their government-verified certificates to their profiles to get listed.
- Doctors must update their working or available slots after signup to get listed.
- Doctors can send remarks on their decisions, which are immediately sent to the students.
- Students and doctors can interact with each other using the chat feature provided in the app.
- All users can message each other; the chat feature is for all users.
- Frontend: React, MUI library, Redux, CSS, HTML
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Socket.io
- Deployment: Vercel
The resources that I have used:
- Youtube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdLUE-L26MMbXYkddCi6Cb1jy5dKczosk
- Basics of React: Angela Yu Udemy Course
- MUI Website: https://mui.com/
- React Redux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9boMnm5X9ak&list=PLC3y8-rFHvwheJHvseC3I0HuYI2f46oAK
- Learn Socket.io: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKEqqIO7n-k&t=733s