This project is intented for iitk students to appoint their appointment on web. this app is user friendly, they can choose slots, specific dotor, for their specific health related issues. On the other hand doctors immedialty get notified to new appointments.
- Students can easily send request to doctors for their appointment
- Students can choose desired slot in which they are available and can also choose specific doctor
- Once appointment is requested, this process cannot be revert as doctors get notified immedialy
- One the other hand, doctors get notified and can accept or reject the received request
- Doctos have to upload their government verified certificate on thier profile to get listed
- Doctors have to update their working slots or available slots after signup to get listed
- Doctors can send remark on their dicision, which will immedialty send to student
- Students and Doctors can interact with each other using chat feature proveded in app
- All users can Message each other, chat feature is for all users
- Frontend: React, MUI library, Redux, CSS, HTML
- Backend: NodeJs, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose,
- Deployment: Vercel
The resources that i have used
- youtube playlist:
- Basics of React: Angela Yu Udemy Course
- MUI website:
- React Redux:
- Learn